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Sa But Not?

Guest oswoldy

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Guest oswoldy

Hi all,

My partner and I have recently adopted our first retired Greyhound. We have had him for 5 weeks now and he is settling in well and getting cheeky! When we first got him he was a little nervous which we expected (I had the week off work to help him settle and do some alone training) but he is now fine to a certain degree. Basically our "problem" is that when we go to work Monday to Friday 8.30am till 5.00pm (I pop home for 45 minutes at 12pm for lunch) he takes a little while to settle (5-10 minutes) but then sleeps quite happily on the sofa until I get home at lunch. When I leave after lunch he does the same (whines for 5-10 minutes then sleeps) which is fine. However if we both get home from work, have tea, feed him, walk him and then decide to pop out to do something or visit family he simply will not settle and whines not constantly but on and off for most of the time that we are away. Does anyone have any tips/ideas on how to stop him being like this? He does not chew/scratch anything, mess in the house or bark he just whines (quite loudly). I have setup a webcam that I can access from my mobile to check on him every so often this is how I know he does the above. Also sometimes when he is led on his bed and we are in the room he will do a single whine which we both ignore, I don't know if this is relevant or not?


If I have missed any bits of information please ask and I will answer them as best I can.


Here is a picture of him while we are out at work




Any help much appreciated.


Many Thanks


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You might try giving him a Kong filled with something special like peanut butter or cream cheese as a special treat when you go out after work. He's probably ready for some time with you after being alone all day.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

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How old is his handsome self, if I may ask? If he's fairly young, he may not be getting enough exercise.

My old fellers are perfectly happy with a couple of good long walks per day, but the young guys may need

a little serious romp time.


Edited to Add: Welcome to GT!!

Edited by DesiRayMom

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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Guest mbfilby

Welcome to GT and congrats on the new pup! 5 weeks and already roaching!


Our Myka whined and cried when we left her alone for the first few weeks then she got over it, but we have other dogs to keep her company. Judy's suggestion of the kong is a great idea.

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Guest oswoldy

You might try giving him a Kong filled with something special like peanut butter or cream cheese as a special treat when you go out after work. He's probably ready for some time with you after being alone all day.



I forgot to add that he does the same at weekends when we go out it is not just after work. For example we could be with him all day on a Saturday but have to leave him for 2/3 hours later in the afternoon and he is exactly the same. I will try the kong though. :)



How old is his handsome self, if I may ask? If he's fairly young, he may not be getting enough exercise.

My old fellers are perfectly happy with a couple of good long walks per day, but the young guys may need

a little serious romp time.


Edited to Add: Welcome to GT!!



I am 26 :lol He was 6 on the 1st of July. Does him roaching imply that he is comfortable? Sometimes he will be led on his bed then randomly start whining, again this is only when we are out and not at work, maybe he knows when we are not at work :lol


Can I do anything to try and train him to not do this or will it wear off?


Many Thanks


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Sounds pretty typical to me :) These guys can get so schedule-oriented that a change in that throws them off. I agree with giving him a good stuffed kong. I'm sure he'll do fine eventually. My old boy was the same way, but he wouldn't whine, he'd bring out shoes :lol We could tell how stressed he was by how many shoes he'd bring out and fling around. Going to work was fine, but if we went out after work, it threw off his schedule and out would come the shoes. And yeah, he did it until he passed away at 10. I got him when he was 2. :)

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My dog is the same way, even after 4 years. He understands Monday through Friday's routine, but if I leave later on a weekday (for example, if I take a day off to do something outside the house) or go out at night, he gets a little aggitated.


Of course if I was left alone all day and then my person decided to leave me again at night, I bet I'd be aggitated too!


I expect he'll settle down. 5 weeks is no time at all! My experience is that Kongs and long walks solve a lot of aggitation problems!


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Guest oswoldy


Thank you all for your helpful and reassuring responses. I have bought him a kong which we tried the other day when we went out and guess what... he ignored it and just went to sleep on the sofa, typical eh! :blink: I will stick with it though, I have bought him a big bone for him to chew on when we are out which he seems to like.


Thank you



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Guest HHHounds

My hounds just love all their peeps home, not SA, they just love being in the pack and all pack members home... They don't settle completely until everyone is home!

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest verthib


Thank you all for your helpful and reassuring responses. I have bought him a kong which we tried the other day when we went out and guess what... he ignored it and just went to sleep on the sofa, typical eh! :blink: I will stick with it though, I have bought him a big bone for him to chew on when we are out which he seems to like.


Thank you




Hi Mike! We have a new-ish grey too! She HATES the kong. I would too... that thing stinks to holy hell! But we did get her a ball that has "slots/slats" in it and we stuff each slot with a little treat and she has to work at getting them out... it's a different kind of rubber. She LOVES it. And no messy peanut butter to clean up.

Good luck with your guy! And yes roaching means they are totally comfortable!

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