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Ali Update

Guest Diana

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Guest Diana

I posted several weeks ago on Ali. Here's the latest... day after she started limping, xrays were taken. My vet didn't see much but was concerned about lower back. Went to specialist and she saw muscle atrophy in left knee. Went to another vet who took more xrays... We noticed that Ali was holding the portion of her leg above her foot (ankle area) at more of an angle than on her right leg. In the xrays yesterday, there was a thickening of the tendon between the ankle and knee (the area behind that space that basically is just skin). So it appears she may have a slight tear/damage to that tendon). It has been recommended that she wear a hock splint when outside & continue another month of minimal activity.


Yesterday the vet also did a internal exam through the rectum. Ali cried when the left side of the pelvis was pressed, but not the right. She has a good amount of muscle loss in her rear end, but no weakness. She basically is just favoring the lower left leg. The xrays showed no issues in her lower back. No loss of bone density. But vet is just not fully convinced that the lack of exercise/movement (we used to go for 45 minute walks every day and have done nothing for the last month except potty breaks and once a day up and down stairs) and tendon issue would cause that much muscle loss.


Ali has also lost 5-7 pounds since January of this year. But...she is a very picky eater and has been eating less. Her bloodwork has shown nothing except thyroid issues which both my dogs take soloxine for.


Treatment so far has been 10 days of Deramaxx combined with Tramadol 2x/day. This began the day after the issue occurred. She improved 50-70%. Vet wanted her 90% better so suggested the ortho specialist. After the specialist visit, we stopped the Deramaxx for 5 days and began a series of Dexamethasone steroid treatments. She took 2 pills 2x/day for 5 days, but there wasn't really any further improvement with that so we started weaning off the Dex. She took her last Dex pill yesterday.


Next step is to be off Dexamethasone for 7 days. Then do a urinalysis to check her kidney function. Then go back on Deramaxx. Continue limited movement. I am not going to allow her to do stairs. Use a hock splint when she goes outside. Continue Tramadol.


Vet still thinks she may have a lower back/spinal issue.


I plan to do an MRI if she gets worse. Also intending to start some chiropractic/accupuncture. Maybe aqua therapy down the line.


Going to make some special meatball treats to try to get her to put back on 5 pounds.


Anything else anyone can think of or suggest?


Vet asked if I would do surgery if it was a tumor or disk pressing on spine. If so, she said don't wait more than a few weeks to do MRI. My dog is 10 1/2 and I'm not sure surgery is the right option for her. Not sure it would be right to put her through so much. Also she had a tough time after being under anesthesia in January of this year for a dental/dew claw & toe removal. Vet said if I wouldn't be doing surgery, she is ok with waiting a month doing the above mentioned treatments unless she gets worse.


My current plan is to do the above and give her a few weeks to see how she does and let the tendon heal with the hock splint support. If she starts to get worse I will do the MRI to see if there is anything further/anything found in her spine/low back.


One more thing...she is tested for lyme each year. Was negative until Oct 2009 where she had a higher positive 1:2560 and was treated with Doxycycline for 3 weeks. She was negative in 2010. In May 2011 she was positive again with 1:640 (first number that equals positive). No treatment was done. Did Snap 4 yesterday and all was negative but sent out C6 quantitative and waiting for results.


Any thoughts? Thank you!

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She might benefit from rest and gabapentin. Along with a hock problem she might have an iliopsoas muscle strain.

With that type of muscle tear/strain they will cry during a rectal palpation at the rectal 5:00 area.

Edited to add as far as the weight loss I would question if your hound is truly hypothyoid. If they are supplemented w/o warrant or on too high a dose they will drop weight.

Did your vet run a full thyroid panel or are you supplementing on just T4 results? Just a thought.

Edited by tbhounds
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Guest Diana

She might benefit from rest and gabapentin. Along with a hock problem she might have an iliopsoas muscle strain.

With that type of muscle tear/strain they will cry during a rectal palpation at the rectal 5:00 area.


Thank you. I will mention that when I call the vet tomorrow. I need to confirm with her which hock splint I should order as the website has a few different hock support items. I love having a site like this where we can share experiences. I really hope rest and meds help. She has not cried out at any time other than with extreme stretching of the legs by the specialist and extreme movement of her tail over the spine. I just hope I can convince her to eat more. Both of my dogs are 10 1/2 and picky eaters. But my other female has only fluctuated up and down 2-3 pounds- 75-73. She is a big girl (not overweight, just a larger female). Ali's racing weight was 55 lbs. and she was up to 65. Now she is 60.


She gets up and down easily from laying to standing. Just favors left leg/foot, won't put full weight on it, and sometimes stumbles while outside for potty breaks. She also tends to readjust her left leg while squatting but I don't blame her if she has muscle strain/tear.

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Guest Diana

Next update for Ali... she appeared to have a small tear in her achilles tendon. I ordered the splint overnight and it will arrive by 7 pm tomorrow night. I read up on that kind of tear and it says it causes the dog to drop the hock usually, which is exactly what she is doing.

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It will be interesting to hear how Ali does with the splint. I am really hoping it will give her the relief she needs and get her on her way to fully healing. Thanks for the update, D. :bighug

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, Holly.

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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Guest Diana

Splint arrived but they gave me one rear & one front leg in med & large. I needed both in rear leg to see which fit better. Anyways- confused on exactly how it should go b/c the large one doesn't seem long enough for her lower leg.

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Does the company have a 24/7 800 number? Why are some things so hard when they don't need to be? :rolleyes:

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, Holly.

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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Guest LindsaySF

Does anyone have any other suggestions that Diana can pursue? It seems like the vets are pushing for an MRI. Are there other tests (x-rays, exams, etc) that would be able to diagnose a strained muscle or tendon tear? In an attempt to save a little $$, and not have to put Ali under....


Di, I was reading fast. Did they just x-ray her leg, or did they x-ray her spine and pelvis too?








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Guest Diana

Does anyone have any other suggestions that Diana can pursue? It seems like the vets are pushing for an MRI. Are there other tests (x-rays, exams, etc) that would be able to diagnose a strained muscle or tendon tear? In an attempt to save a little $$, and not have to put Ali under....


Di, I was reading fast. Did they just x-ray her leg, or did they x-ray her spine and pelvis too?







Lindsay- they did some of spine (lower back) & 3rd vet did a little higher on spine. You can see pelvis in some of the pixs. I have the xrays on my computer but am not sure if/how I can attach on here. Thanks for all your help Lindsay!


Does the company have a 24/7 800 number? Why are some things so hard when they don't need to be? :rolleyes:


I called and they apologized and said they can overnight me the other size. However, after trying to put the large size rear splint on her, I think it is the correct size. Problem is the lower part of her leg is angled more than usual and her hock and foot don't go into the splint correctly...seemingly due to angle of her leg. I have to drop something off at vet this Sat. & will bring the splint with me to let her try.

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Guest LindsaySF

I can post the x-rays here (link to Photobucket) if you email them to me, if anyone here could read them and see something maybe.


Anyone in the CT area have a recommendation of an ortho that Diana can send the x-rays to for a consult? The ortho she saw in Cheshire was kind of rude.


(Di, I would recommend Dr. Dudley at VCA Northboro if you can't find someone closer).


ETA: Ooops, just saw your other thread asking about specialists. I posted in there too.





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