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Cataract And Racing

Guest BarkBrindle

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Guest BarkBrindle

Mom and Dad adopted their 2nd hound just about a year ago now. Upon his "welcome to the pack" visit to their vet, they found a cataract in his right eye. It doesn't sound like he's at the point of surgery yet, but I'm forwarding some questions, as they have no computer.


Is it possible that the cataract is the result of a race injury?

It seems like greyhounds are inspected at race time. If the cataract was noticed during a race inspection, would that result in retirement of the dog? Would a dog with a known cataract be allowed to race?


If I recall correctly, cataract surgery is of more benefit when the dog had some vision in the eye in the past. As opposed to if the cataract was present from birth.


Thank you.

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Guest KennelMom

We have a dog that's blind in her rail (left) eye and she raced. I'm pretty sure it was noticed by everyone every time she raced...hard to miss a giant white eyeball. She startled the crap outta me the first time I saw her in her kennel at the track! :lol



Anyway...she had it when she got to B'ham and no note on her paperwork as to what happened. The eye specialist here suspects some sort of acute injury. It never bothered her, she raced fine and that was that. So...just because there is a defect in the eye, doesn't mean they'll automatically be retired.

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