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What Else Could A Vet Do?

Guest LokisMom

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Guest LokisMom

Loki cut his paw on our evening walk on the bottom right near the paw pad. We've cleaned it out and made sure nothing was in the cut and bandaged it. He is limping on it and I can tell it hurts. I don't think its deep enough for stitches. I'm hesitant to rush him to the evet if they're just going to bandage it anyway. So what to do? Evet? Regular vet Monday if he's still limping? Any suggestions for pain management in the interim? Why does this stuff always happen Friday evening?

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I didn't take Lucky to the vet when he cut his pad/paw. I did what you did- cleaned, etc.

Then I wrapped it in vetwrap and put a therapaw on. Left that on for a few days and he was able to walk without limping.


Hugs to Loki


Kari and the pups.
Run free sweet Hana 9/21/08-9/12/10. Missing Sparks with every breath.
Passion 10/16/02-5/25/17

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Guest DorasMom

What you did sounds just fine to me.

When I first adopted all my pups I think I was at my vets once a week. I've learned over the years how to take care of most things at home by myself and my vet trusts my judgement 100%.

Now I only visit her office about once a month :lol .

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it's two weeks healing w/stitches or with-out. unless you can get it stitched within a couple of hours the healing has begun. i learned that when i cut my finger to the bone. i called my insurance comany's nurse since it was still bleeding the next morning.


just wash it w/ saline solution, it souldn't be salty- just a faint taste of salt and keep it clean. remember NOT to bandage it too tight. when i bandage a paw i stick my index finger in while i am wrapping it. and remember to leave a border of gauze sticking out(maybe 1/4") so the vet wrap doesn't irritate the leg. after a couple of days it will look much better and you won't need to irrigate it w/ saline.


my pups have had the edges of pads cut off, stop pads cut in half dangeling, slices from ice deep into the pad, you name it. it all heals within 2 weeks. i personally do not like emt gel and will give the cut one treatment w/ a triple antibiotic ointment when it's fresh. the vaseline in the ointment prevents healing.

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Guest LokisMom

Thank you for the advice. I always feel better getting confirmation that I'm not damaging my dog :) and great info on the ointment. I didn't know that!

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