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Protein Loss?

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Heard from the vet regarding Betty Joan's latest blood work. She's still showing worrisome protein loss. We went through an ultrasound, blood work, and urine sample a month ago and kidney problems have been ruled out. Anyways, this protein loss may have contributed to her recent vascular incident.


Betty's been on the I/D prescription diet (gastrointestinal) and the vet wants to keep her on that. But he also thinks that we should do a biopsy, or at least get her on Prednisone and check her out again in a few weeks.


After all of the other tests and vet visits and prescriptions of the past couple of months, I don't know if I can do a biopsy right now nor if I should put Betty through it yet. She's just getting back to normal! And it's her birthday (eight years old)! I'm reading mixed things about the prednisone experience. Sounds like it gives good benefits, but Betty's home alone for eight hours a day and I hear that constant urination (and being leaky) is a problem; she also sleeps in bed with me.


I'm guessing that if the vet suggested this that it's the right path...?


I'm not even sure if I have a question here :). It's just been a rough couple of months and it just seems to keep on going. This is my first time going through events like this and... well, like I said, I don't know if I really have questions or statements. I'm just trying to process it all. I guess I should take comfort in the fact that Betty seems happy and energetic again and that we'll find a way through anything that comes next.


Betty "Beauty" Joan. 63B-21375. June 2003 - March 2015. Thank you pretty girl!

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Guest PA_Greys

Since we just went through this with one of our greys, your thread jumped out at me.

I can share our experience if that helps. We had the same thing, our greys bloodwork revealed

protein loss. We learnt that greyhounds do have lower protein levels in their blood but

our grey's levels were dramatically different from his previous tests and low even for a

greyhound. Our vet told us there were potentially three causes: liver, kidney or gut.

So we did all the same tests you mentioned: blood, urine, fecal, bile assays, radiographs, etc. Liver and

kidney problems were pretty much ruled out by then and our vet recommended an ultrasound. The

ultrasound showed nothing so we opted for an endoscopy. Our grey is 9 years old and, like you, I was

concerned about how much we would be putting him through (he has numerous other medical conditions)but

felt the endoscopy was the least invasive way to try to get a diagnosis.

It worked for us and we did get a diagnosis of lymphangectasia with the biopsies not revealing any

underying cause. However they did clarify to be absolutely sure there were no underlying causes surgery would

be necessary. Our grey seemed to take the endoscopy procedure in his stride and we felt better not putting him

through surgery.

The endoscopy was not as expensive as we thought. Both the ultrasound and endoscopy were done at Virginia

Tech Teaching Hospital at a total cost of $600. I'm thinking this was probably a lot cheaper than in some

areas and we are very thankful.

That's our experience for what it's worth.

We wish you well.

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The post by PA Greys pretty said what I was going to. GH's do have lower blood protein values than other breeds- what was your hounds values?

Does your hound have diarrhea? Can I assume you have de-wormed your pup a few times? Tried a novel protein/carb diet? Run a bile acids test?

One thing I would mention that is if you do decide to go the corticosteriod route please ask your vet about using budesonide rather than prednisone. You will see less side effects with the budesonide as it targets the gi tract only.

Edited to add- guess I should have read your post more carefully-- seems you gave run a bunch a diagnostic tests.

Scoping doesn't always give you an answer but, it's less invasive than having a surgical true cut biopsy. Guess you have to weigh out the options- scope and may not get an answer or surgery being more involved but, will give you a definitive answer. OR-- just try the budesonide !! Did I help or confuse you more????

Edited by tbhounds
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Guest Fasave

One of my pups had protein lose through both the gut (PLE) and the kidneys (PLN). How are her albumin levels? The gut protein loss was do to IBD diagnosed through endoscope. He had multiple other issues and was put on prednisone which did wonders for him for a while. Interestingly, he didn't have the frequent urination issues that many have on pred but I'm pretty sure that is an exception to what most pups experience. I have heard the symptom gets better once they adjust to the pred. Protein loss can be pretty frustrating. I hope Betty Joan continues to stay stable. I'll be watching for updates.

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My dog had IBD & PLE, but we did not scope him due to his age and not wanting to put him through more tests. He just passed at age 12. It is my understanding you cannot get a definitive diagnosis without a biopsy from a scope or surgery, however, if you have ruled several other causes out, it is a safe bet to treat for the protein loss.

Ducky did have a lot of the side effects from the pred, and we used it as a last resort after trying to manage his condition with diet, vitamins, etc. There is a support forum for lymphangectasia which I found very helpful too: Canine Lymphangiectasia Support

Forever in my heart: my girl Raspberry & my boys Quiet Man, Murphy, Ducky, Wylie & Theo
www.greyhoundadventures.org & www.greyhoundamberalert.org & www.duckypaws.com


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