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Back Legs Shake A Little

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Hey all,


It's been a very long while since I've been here. I've noticed recently that my almost 11 year old boy Aslan seems to be having difficulty getting up or getting his back end down (mainly when he's wanting to lay down). It seems to me like an age thing (duh), but I wanted to reach out and see if you guys had any suggestions. I know it could be arthritis, osteo, old age, etc, but it's not all the time, which is good. I did notice this morning that his back legs were a little wobbly when he was walking around a bit. That said, he was smiley, ears up, and bouncy. I've had him since he was 7, and I swear he still thinks he's a puppy.


Anything I can try to give him (dietary, etc) before xrays and whatnot?





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I know people who swear by acupuncture, although I havent had experience with it.

We've handled Spencer's LS with acupuncture/chiropractic for 3-1/2 years and haven't yet had to resort to any medicine for it. We've been told that the shots' effectiveness goes away after a couple of years, so we're saving that for when he's in more advanced decline.

Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest triciagreys

I have two greyhounds. Tobias, the male, is a larger greyhound, 88 lbs and is 6 yrs old. He woke up during the night crying and howling in pain. His was holding up his back paw. When I touched his hip he really howled. Since it was 1 AM. I wasn't sure what to do. I gave him a easy massage and he went back to bed and sleep. Can you put an ice pack on a greyhound? He didn't eat breakfast this morning, which is odd. He rarely will pass up a meal. I am going to call the Vet on Monday. Does anyone have any ideas? He has been walking okay for most of the day. But I notice he isn't running today. He is favoring it.

I am a new greyhound owner and would appreciate any thoughts.


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Guest sheila

I have two greyhounds. Tobias, the male, is a larger greyhound, 88 lbs and is 6 yrs old. He woke up during the night crying and howling in pain. His was holding up his back paw. When I touched his hip he really howled. Since it was 1 AM. I wasn't sure what to do. I gave him a easy massage and he went back to bed and sleep. Can you put an ice pack on a greyhound? He didn't eat breakfast this morning, which is odd. He rarely will pass up a meal. I am going to call the Vet on Monday. Does anyone have any ideas? He has been walking okay for most of the day. But I notice he isn't running today. He is favoring it.

I am a new greyhound owner and would appreciate any thoughts.



It might be better to start your own topic on the subject so that replies are directed to your particular situation and not mixed in with replies to the original post.


As for your question I really don't have any clues because I've never had this happen with any of mine. However I can say that I probably would hold off on doing the ice pack thing since you don't know what the problem is. If he really seems to be in pain I would give him a baby aspirin (not tylenol) every four hrs or as needed until he could be seen by a vet on Monday. I would try and have him seen as soon as you can because it does sound like he is in some pain.

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Guest BlackandBrindle

I would also suggest putting him on Fresh Factors. The difference in my dogs is amazing and know that others have had GREAT success with it in dogs who had weakend back ends. It certainly won't hurt him! :)



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Guest RichardUK

I have two greyhounds. Tobias, the male, is a larger greyhound, 88 lbs and is 6 yrs old. He woke up during the night crying and howling in pain. His was holding up his back paw. When I touched his hip he really howled. Since it was 1 AM. I wasn't sure what to do. I gave him a easy massage and he went back to bed and sleep. Can you put an ice pack on a greyhound? He didn't eat breakfast this morning, which is odd. He rarely will pass up a meal. I am going to call the Vet on Monday. Does anyone have any ideas? He has been walking okay for most of the day. But I notice he isn't running today. He is favoring it.

I am a new greyhound owner and would appreciate any thoughts.



It could be cramp - (instant acute pain) though doesn't normally last overnight - massage helps to alleviate the pain - we treat it by adding tomato juice to feed - It occurs sometimes at the kennels. My new bitch was prone to it for a few months but now hasn't had an attack for months.

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