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Liver Friendly Diet

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It's been a long week. Saturday I really thought we were going to have to let Milky go to the bridge if she was no better by Sunday. She wouldn't eat and couldn't stand. But when we went to visit her at the vets on Sunday she was eating and walking on her own. When we took her back in Friday they saw a mass on her liver on the x-ray and her liver values were high. The values are coming down and she is coming home tonight. I know she will be on a bland diet for several days to get the diarrhea under control but after that I want to put her on a diet that is easy on the liver. I don't want to go the raw route (mostly a personal thing with me, not that I don't think it's good for the dog. I don't do well with raw meat but can handle it enough to cook it) but have no problem with a home cooked diet. Any other suggestions for a dog with liver issues? She hasn't actually been diagnosed with liver disease but those were the numbers that were elevated and she's responding to meds for the liver and they did see the mass on the x-ray so I'm thinking a diet that's easy on the liver can only be a good thing.

Trish, Thorpe, Thorton, Solstice and Remy
Come see us at Milkys Greyt Goodies Fleece coats, cool-down coats, pajamas and Scrunchies for the well dressed greyhound

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I only know what we are doing for our girl with liver disease ( not cancer but liver cirrhosis secondary to hepatitis). She is on a low protein diet ( Wellness brand) and takes Denamarin which is suppose to support liver health. The lower protein food seems easier for her to digest and we also break up the meals to give her less at one time as she was getting bloated from difficulty processing the food as a healthy liver would do. I do not know if this relates to your situation but it seems to be helping here. What liver meds are you using?



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She's coming home tonight so I'll know the names for sure then. I know she coming home on pepcid, flgyal and prednisone (only for a few more day on the pred I think.). There was one more med that was for the liver and Denamarin sounds familiar so I think that's what the vet said.

Trish, Thorpe, Thorton, Solstice and Remy
Come see us at Milkys Greyt Goodies Fleece coats, cool-down coats, pajamas and Scrunchies for the well dressed greyhound

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There are some links at dogaware on diets for liver disease.


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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