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Kong As A Weigh-Gain Tool

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I LOVE Kongs, and they were an ABSOLUTE necessity with our first grey, Sobe - he had SA - and they helped keep him occupied in that crucial 15 minutes after we left the house, in addition to all the other tools and training. I've used them for other dogs too, and recommended them to friends.


We're a 1 grey house now, and Diana has NO SA. We do give her a rawhide strip when we leave, as a token "busy-thing" but usually it's still intact - in her mouth when we come home. She carries it more than chews it. That's fine. She gets a "new" one the next day - and we recycle the "old" one to her the day after. It works. It's probably more of a comfort to me than to her. :blush 2 rawhide strips last a weeks then I thow them away. She does like to "get" them and "carry" them. Not eat them.


Diana's THIN. Has been for the 3 years she's lived here. I've tried every trick in the book, and every suggestion from GT, and she stays THIN. Looks like she walked off the track at a light racing weight yesterday. That's just her way. She's spunky, and healthy, and her coat is lovely - so I quit worrying about it a long time ago. She will NOT eat one mouthful more than she feels she needs. (She's just one of those skinny bitches!) :angry::lol


So - the other day - I saw a Kong in the store. I haven't had one around in a long time. I bought it. I filled it with Old Mother Hubbards treats, and natural peanut butter, froze it - and gave it to Diana when we left for work the next day. IT WAS CLEANED OUT!!!! :o This from the dog that will turn up her nose and walk away from 1/4 cup extra food in her dish! :o


She chomped down extra calories! And - I assume she enjoyed it! She had to work a WHILE to get frozen PB and treats out of there! Maybe she's having fun with it too! :)


A few extra calories won't hurt her. At all. And - if she's doing something during the day, that's good too. She like no-fat yogurt and banana too, I'll have to try that frozen.


I just never thought of giving a Kong to a dog that didn't "NEED" one. :colgate:blush

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Great tip. Thanks for sharing. Unfortunately, my girls have the opposite problem. I have to monitor closely or they gain weight. I have a "range" for each of them so that they don't get overweight.


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