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Where To Buy A Wire Basket Muzzle

Guest aaspenwall

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Guest aaspenwall

Help! I've recently adopted my fifth Greyhound, and am having an issue I've never had before. Graham is only two and was retired due to a badly broken leg. He has adjusted fairly well to being crated all day while I'm at work, but clearly would rather not go in any more, if I'd let him have his way. As my other two current Greys (11.5 and 5 years old) are free in the house, I would prefer to let him be loose as well. We've had mixed results with leaving him free - he's good for a couple of hours if left with a Kong, but if it's 7-8 hours, that's too long and I've come home to some, fortunately inexpensive so far, destruction. My 5-year-old, Duffy, wears a plastic basket muzzle whenever I must leave the house, as I learned the really hard way (chewed cell phone, multiple remotes, multiple library books ... that were on a shelf above / behind the sofa!) that he just cannot prevent himself, despite SA meds, from being destructive when I leave. I tried a plastic basket muzzle on Graham and upon returning home the second or third day, found the muzzle on the floor with a section chewed out from under the chin and one from between the ears. I can't figure out HOW he did it, but he was clearly motivated!


So, I am looking for a recommendation for a reliable souce from which to purchase a metal basket muzzle. I'm hoping I won't need the muzzle for long, but if Duffy's experience is any indication, I realize we very well could need it long-term, so I figure there's no sense investing in another plastic one to also be chewed up. The last plastic muzzle I bought on the internet and a few weeks later the credit card I had used was compromised and had to be replaced. Perhaps it had no connection to that purchase, but now I'm hesitant to order over the internet.


Any suggestions would be welcome.




with Canoodle, Duffy and Graham

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Guest Wasserbuffel

My local Humane Society sells them. By law Pit Bulls that haven't been Canine Good Citizen certified must wear them. I'm not certain they would fit a grey's head though.


Jayne's been muzzled lately to keep her from messing with a bandage. She got out of it a couple times, but I tightened it to the smallest loop, and she's not been able to get out of it since. Perhaps his was just a little loose?

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GEM greyhound group sells the extra strap for the plastic muzzle. I also have a chewer and if the muzzle is too loose she can use her paws and sorta scratch it off of her ears. I'm on my phone and can't post the website but I assure you they are trustworthy. You may even be able to call in an order.

~Beth, with a crazy mixed crew of misfits.
~ Forever and Always missing and loving Steak, Carmen, Ivy, Isis, and Madi.
Don't cry because it's ended, Smile because it happened.
Before you judge me, try to keep an open mind, not everyone likes your taste.

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I have the "muzzle keeper" from GEM (Greyhounds of Eastern Michigan). Summer, the escape artist, hasn't been able to get her muzzle off when the keeper is on it. Mind you, I don't muzzle her in the house, she doesn't require it. She's only muzzled at playdates. But she can put in quite a bit of effort!


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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