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Refuses To Go Outside

Guest tuba

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I read about your "behaviorist" and locking himself in a room with your dog, alone, at which point you heard all kinds of barking--I'd REALLY like to know what he was doing to her to elicit that behavior.

He doesn't use any negative reinforcement, only positive. We made sure of this before hiring him. As Swifthounds said, he didn't have to do more than stand there to elicit the behaviour. At the end he basically just turned his back on her and she came up to him. He petted her, leashed her and took her out.



But we’ve come very far since then!


First of all, no more carrying! :colgate The trainer watched me trying to get her up in the morning and pointed out that my moves were very indecisive. He showed me the right way – pull the lead using one hand (not too hard, just to show her what we want) and push her butt with the other hand. Schooch her forward and eventually she gets the idea and moves by herself. Every time she stops, a slight push/pull and away we go.


Fast forward to now –

We’ve come a long way, baby!

We take her out about 4 times a day and have not had an accident in the flat for a long time.


We take her to the park on the weekends. She can even ride the bus to get there and back!


We’ve started trying to teach her commands. She can’t understand Sit or Lay Down but Come, Stay and Wait for food are getting there. We also use her twice daily feedings as training opportunities.


Our GH was all over my wife while she was bringing out the food. Our GH would start eating as my wife was putting the bowl in the raised feeder. My wife is small so she didn’t like this jostling.


Here’s the goal - My wife brings out the food and our GH lays down on her bed. My wife tells her to Wait and walks the food over to the raised feeder. Our GH stays put until my wife says “Go” and then she runs to the food and eats.

First time trying this a few days ago took 45 mins and countless restarts.

This morning she got it on the second try (and realized her mistake right away). About a 2 min exercise. B)


This has been so positive for all of us. Our GH is getting more comfortable with the outside and even more affectionate with us.

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Sounds very encouraging!!!!!


My first grey was just about perfect, except for being a world-class food thief, but doing obedience work with her raised my confidence and helped us bond.


Do we have a name and pictures of your girl? :)

Edited by EllenEveBaz


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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