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Guest Gideon

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Guest Gideon

Tankala has been getting these irritations to the inner digit of each paw and his eyes since we adopted him.


We've been going to NGAP vet clinic for years and were told that this was likely an auto immune disorder. They've recommended that we go see a number of specialists which we really cannot afford to do at the moment. So we've been treating these secondary infections with anti-biotics with some success.


I've been doing a bunch of research and finally came upon this article:




This sounds nearly exactly what we're dealing with and there seem to be a few variations. Reading this material, I see that this can be very difficult to treat and extremely expensive. But, in each variation, they list low doses of prednisone (steroids).


So, I'm asking if anybody here has dealt with this and if steroids helped manage the problem long term. Tank is 8 and I know long term this can damage his liver and kidneys. But at 8 years old, is this all that important?

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This article shows an easier and cheaper course of treatment:



We're dealing with this with our Gracie. Thread with pictures here: Linky

Edited by macoduck


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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Guest Gideon

Ok, back to the drawing board. This doesn't just effect his nails. The inner digit of each paw gets real mucky, like open sores. Same around his eyes. I am constantly cleaning him up to make sure this stuff doesn't get infected.


His nails are not falling off at all tho and they're not hollow.


But interesting, yet again, that prednisone is used.

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Which antibiotics are you treating with? I was told by the MSU dermatology vets that sometimes Cephalexin can actually trigger or worsen Pemphigus folaceous (sp?). Pop just underwent a biopsy and cultures yesterday @ MSU and I'm waiting on results as they strongly suspect Pemphigus, yet 2 biopsies done probably 2 - 4 years ago (done at different times) both came back as 'severe allergic dermatitis.'


Pop breaks out in his nail beds on all four paws, his genitals, anus, under his left eye, around his nose and under his chin...only a tiny spot in the corner of his right eye. It is red with crusty areas.

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Marble, Noah, Eden, Raya (red heeler), Cooper & Trooper (naughty kittens)

Missing my bridge angels: Pop, Zelda, Mousey & Carmel

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