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A Reintroduction..

Guest zookieninasmom

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Guest zookieninasmom

Hi everyone!


So many of you have helped us find a place in Maryland, we're moving next month. I finally have some time to do a RE introduction. I was part of GT before I had my son, and then became so busy I hadn't logged on in a while and had to reregister. Now that I'm staying home to take care of my son, I have a bit more time.


So we have


Zooks - he will be 11 years old in April. I can't believe it. We've had him since he was 5. He's a wonderful, and interesting dog. Often calm and relaxed, and sometimes high strung and neurotic. He loves to run, and you'd never guess he was 11 years old if you watched him. He doesn't handle change well, so the move will be a tough one for him. We are driving, because I told DH I wouldn't have it any other way. I will not fly my dogs, they can't take it, especially Zooks.


P7210047 by rprovost18, on Flickr


Nina - she is 8 years old, 9 in July. We've had her since she was 3. She's a little bugger, so loving and full of licks and kisses, but will steal your food the instant you turn your back! She especially loves the granola bars from my lunches when I was still working. She loves Jack and will lick him any chance she gets. She even managed a "french" kiss when he was about 4 months old in his exersaucer.


P9030052 by rprovost18, on Flickr


Then we have the little human, aka Parasite. (I was very ill for all of my pregnancy). Jack. He is the rambunctious, wild-child. He NEVERSTOPS. He loves his doggies, nana and zoofs.


IMG_4317 by rprovost18, on Flickr


and for good measure, one more of Jack, wearing the Zebra hat I made.



IMG_4296 by rprovost18, on Flickr

Edited by zookieninasmom
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Guest fringepup

You will know when you are PA (without seeing signs) once you drive on the roads :rofl . I actually heard that years ago but didn't get it until I drove out of state and came back...roads are bumpy.


But seriously, have a safe trip back to MD! We'll be thinking of you!


By the way, the hat on Jack is adorable!!!

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Guest zookieninasmom

Haha, thank you! I've taken up crochet and knitting recently and love to create interesting things. This hat isn't for him, so I have to hide it, or he insists on wearing it!

Thats interesing about PA, lol. Like here in Canada, they say you know when you hit quebec, also not because of signs but because everyone speeds!

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Guest IrskasMom

Well you will be surprised when you get to Maryland. Everybody is in a Hurry and it is quiet a hectic Life ,you will see. I live closer to Annapolis then to Washington DC . Your little Boy is adorable and the Hounds to. :):):)

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Hi - welcome to Maryland... almost!!


Can't wait to meet you once you get here & settled!!!


I'm in New Carrollton (end of the orange line on Metro!) - over near College Park & the U of MD...

Jeannine with Merlin, the crazed tabby cat and his sister, Jasmine, the brat-cat

With GTsiggieFromJenn.jpgAngel Cody(Roving Gemini), and Weenie the tortie waiting at the Bridge

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Haha, thank you! I've taken up crochet and knitting recently and love to create interesting things. This hat isn't for him, so I have to hide it, or he insists on wearing it!

Thats interesing about PA, lol. Like here in Canada, they say you know when you hit quebec, also not because of signs but because everyone speeds!


AND the potholes :lol


Welcome back!

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Guest sheila

You will know when you are PA (without seeing signs) once you drive on the roads :rofl . I actually heard that years ago but didn't get it until I drove out of state and came back...roads are bumpy.



totally off topic but I will never forget my first trip through PA. I grew up in and had never left 'the prairie' where everything is flat and the roads are straight. As I'm driving through PA I am admiring the scenery when I pass a sign that reads: Remove your sunglasses. I think to myself, 'what kind of silly rule is that?' Then I go around the curve and see the tunnel under the mountain that I'm about to drive through. Alrighty then, now I understand. My friends in PA say they think of me every time they pass one of those signs now.

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Guest zookieninasmom

OMG Sheila, I will totally watch for that. Its pretty flat here in Ontario, haha, so it will be different for us for sure!

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