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Adrian And Finley Say Hi!

Guest RNJaney09

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Guest RNJaney09

Hello everyone!

I've been lurking for a while and decided to sign up since I like this place so much! Everyone seems so kind and helpful.

I'm a nurse in San Antonio. I moved here with my family in '05 after having grown up in Michigan.


I'm brand new to the world of greyhounds. I had been considering adopting a retired grey for at least a year, and finally went through with it about 6 weeks ago. I already understand why they call them potato chips! I went through Heart of Texas Greyhound Adoption, they are wonderful! Anyone else here from San Antonio?


Finley was born 3/1/04. His racing name was Accolade, and his house name was Stubby before he came to me since he only has part of his tail (at his first race, the kennel guy closed his tail in the start box :( ). He was a return- after being in a family for 3.5 years, they had to move suddenly and apparently couldn't find housing that would allow large dogs. The adoption group brought him and 2 others I was considering for a home visit, and as soon as he walked in, he made a B-line for the couch to claim it. It was apparent he was meant to be mine :beatheart . I first met him at a meet and greet but wasn't too keen on him... that is, until he walked over to me and put his head against my chest :blush .

He has made the transition pretty well considering he lost a family, but we are having issues with separation anxiety. He howls like a wolf when I'm gone, and I work nights, so he keeps my 2 roommates awake :headwall . Eek! I realize now that I shouldn't have coddled him so much at the beginning. He is a velcro dog for sure. I think a lot of it has to do with missing the other greys too. My roommate's snooty dachshund just doesn't cut it ;) I will definitely be getting him a brother or sister, but not for a while since I'm moving soon.


I look forward to getting to know everyone, thanks for listening!! (obviously I'm having too much fun playing with these emoticons)

I will attempt to post a pic...



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Welcome, he is quite the handsome hound :wub:!!! He does look like he has adapted to enjoying the good life on "his bed"!

Roberta & Michael with Furkids- Flower (Shasta Flowers 6/7/06) & Rascal the kitty - Missing our sweet angels - Max(M's Mad Max) 10/12/02 - 12/3/15, Sara (Sara Raves 6/30/01 - 4/13/12) Queenie & Pandora the kitties - gone but never forgotten

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Guest iLoveLucie

Welcome from Oregon! Finley is a great name - much, much better than Stubby :) I have a Brindle girl - just love those stripes! She is a howler too... haven't found a perfect solution, but she has had some short success when we've left her with a peanut butter stuffed Kong and a soccer game on TV. We'll see how she does with NCAA March Madness :)

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