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Storm Defender Coat Available

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A size XL Storm Defender coat (and also a size M greyhound coat) is being donated by a former Greyhound owner here in NH. The coat sounds like it's in near-new condition. Unless you're local and can pick it up, please help the donor out by paying the postage.


If there is a greyhound in need (perhaps a hound awaiting placement, or still in a kennel, or other special circumstances) please PM me. It'll go to the first thunderphobic dog who comes out of the closet long enough to raise his paw. :lol


I don't mean to be a smart-*ss, I only wish the SD had been available in the 1990's, when my Kody was jumping over fences and trying to break through windows.... :(


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and for the rest of you who may have wanted this coat and missed out. You can make a similar coat for under $10 if you have any basic sewing skills. Buy some lightweight outer fabric and the same amount of some metallic lined fabric (such as lame`) and in about 15 minutes you could whip one up. Much better than paying $75+ . The Storm Defender capes are a good idea, but company is totally ripping ppl off. Even if they sold them for 1/2 the price they do they would be making money hand over fist.

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I cannot sew (seriously I duct taped Faith's hems :lol) but maybe I can get my MIL to whip one up for me, will any metallic looking fabric do or does it have to have some 'special ingredient' to work.


Jeffy is thunderphobic big time, but he doesn't react to fireworks or storms on television so I don't think it is the noise that bothers him, I was thinking of giving one of these coats a try.


Take the time to stop and smell the flowers - appreciate your everyday ordinary miracles

Carolyn, Faith, Jeff Gordon (aka Jeffy) and Oscar the chilla. Desperately missing our Stella, we'll see you later sweet girl.

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I cannot sew (seriously I duct taped Faith's hems :lol) but maybe I can get my MIL to whip one up for me, will any metallic looking fabric do or does it have to have some 'special ingredient' to work.


Jeffy is thunderphobic big time, but he doesn't react to fireworks or storms on television so I don't think it is the noise that bothers him, I was thinking of giving one of these coats a try.


the main idea (as I understand it) behind the storm coats is that when there is static electricity in the air during storms the dogs feel it on their fur and that causes anxiety. Supposedly the metallic laced fabric will deflect this. I have made a cpl of these things and folks have reported mixed results. As far as the 'special ingredient' all I know is that it needs some kind of metallic element. I guess you could make a coat out of tin foil that might work just as well. :lol


I would suggest that your MIL use the lightest weight fabric she can find for the outside of the coat since a stressed dog runs hot anyway and they won't be wearing the coat outside.

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Thanks Sheila, I cant use the tinfoil, I ran out after lining my windows and making my hat.


Take the time to stop and smell the flowers - appreciate your everyday ordinary miracles

Carolyn, Faith, Jeff Gordon (aka Jeffy) and Oscar the chilla. Desperately missing our Stella, we'll see you later sweet girl.

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