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Does Crate Size Really Matter?

Guest racergirl435

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Well to top off this problem, I just found out this morning that my Grandfather passed away late last night so my DH and I will likely be flying to Tucson for the services and to be with my family. So we'll be disrupting Ike's schedule yet again. :( Never a dull moment.


I'm sorry for your loss. :( Try not to worry too much about disrupting his schedule. You can work on that when you get back.

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Guest racergirl435

Well, my trip to Tucson went off without a hitch, so to speak. Of course family being family, there was drama. :rolleyes: Ike only had 1 accident while I was away and it was on Sunday when my DH was home. Fortunately, he caught him in the act and immediately took him outside. He's been great ever since. We have both gotten into the routine of walking him, at the very least, up and down the sidewalk. The last couple of days since I've been back I've been walking him to the cemetery around the corner since my DH snowblew the sidewalk for me. :) Ike seems to like that and peeing on a particular tree. He's been doing very good on the new schedule and DH and I are taking turns going home during the day to let him out. He seems perfectly content in the kitchen. My DH said that Ike was sad while I was gone and only started playing with his toys again the day before I got back. Nice to know my boy missed me.


I was telling one of my friends about trying to find someone to come over during the day. She said something to her husband and he offered to come over and let the dogs out. Apparently he is semi-retired/unemployed and available. Hopefully, DH will agree since it is someone I know and trust implicitly. He would be able to come over every weekday unless he had an appointment or some other obligation. I offered to pay him but since I watch their cats when they need it, we agreed to call it even. I did have a couple of local greyhound people offer but when they found out how far they live from me they declined. Which is fine.


On the flip side of that, our other dog Bailey, who is now 11, nearly deaf and losing her eyesight has decided to turn rebel on me. The last couple of days she's decided to just go running off when I let her out. Her whole life she's been allowed to be off lead on our property because she very rarely runs off and has always come back when called. Well, I think she's quite jealous of her brother getting taken for walks and she gets left in the house. I let the dogs out yesterday before I left for work as usual and put Ike in the back yard. When I turned around I see Bailey trotting down the sidewalk. I guess she decided since her brother can go for walks, so can she. I literally had to drag her back to the house. I should probably spend some special time on/with her so she doesn't feel neglected. Poor girl. I wish I could walk them both at the same time but until the snow melts I can only handle 1 dog at a time. Maybe I'll take them to the dog park this weekend.


Edited to say that my DH did a very nice job taking care of the animals while I was away and even came home every day during the week to let the dogs out.

Edited by racergirl435
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Guest momofevie

Glad to hear that things have improved with Ike :thumbs-up, though his sister doesn't seem to be too happy. :rolleyes: Looks like you'll be taking an extra walk now and then with her, huh? :lol

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover


On the flip side of that, our other dog Bailey, who is now 11, nearly deaf and losing her eyesight has decided to turn rebel on me. The last couple of days she's decided to just go running off when I let her out. Her whole life she's been allowed to be off lead on our property because she very rarely runs off and has always come back when called. Well, I think she's quite jealous of her brother getting taken for walks and she gets left in the house. I let the dogs out yesterday before I left for work as usual and put Ike in the back yard. When I turned around I see Bailey trotting down the sidewalk. I guess she decided since her brother can go for walks, so can she. I literally had to drag her back to the house. I should probably spend some special time on/with her so she doesn't feel neglected. Poor girl. I wish I could walk them both at the same time but until the snow melts I can only handle 1 dog at a time. Maybe I'll take them to the dog park this weekend.




See how dangerous that little thing called "TRUST" can be...

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Guest racergirl435

Glad to hear that things have improved with Ike :thumbs-up, though his sister doesn't seem to be too happy. :rolleyes: Looks like you'll be taking an extra walk now and then with her, huh? :lol


Yeah...but it's all good. Bailey deserves it and I have to admit that she's been a little neglected as of late while we've been dealing with Ike and one of my kitty's being sick. I took her with me today while I ran errands and she was quite happy. I then took her to the dog park and spent some alone time with her. And next week she's going to the doggy spa.


In other news, I think I've found someone to come let the dogs out during the week. One of my old co-worker friends' husband is semi-retired and volunteered to come over. I watch their cats and house when they need it so we're going to call it even. He'll come over Monday when I come home for lunch so I can show him what to do.


Yeah, I know Greyt. She nows goes out on lead, just like Ike. And they both have new collars and leashes on order from Nancy B.

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