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Totw High Prairie


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I am feeding my two new hounds TOTW. The female is 71 pounds and the male 73. They are both on the too skinny side (the male definitely). I think the females weight has stabilized on 4 cups/day. I am up to 5 cups/day on the male and he is definitely not gaining weight. They both get a couple of milkbones and maybe another small treat a day. There poop is OK.


I wondered how much TOTW others feed their hounds to maintain weight.


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I feed Gee 4 cups of TOTW a day and she's about 70lbs. and she maintains a good weight on that.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest UESBrindle

We feed TOTW high prarie for both of ours. William is 6.5 and about 73 lbs and we feed him a little over 3 cups a day (1.5 cups + a little per meal 2x a day) and he holds his weight. Our puppy Harry is 6 months and we give him 4 cups a day, 2 cups per meal 2x a day and is growing like a weed, always hungry.

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I feed between 1 1/2 to 2 cups a day with add-ins,, I think maybe some add-ins to help your pup gain weight, add-ins with 1 cup would be 4 eggs, or 1 cup of home cooked and 1 cup of TOtW,,, he maintains at 80 lbs we also feed treats 2 times a day :) He came to me at 69 lbs, and raced at 79 lbs,,, so he too was on the thin side good luck

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tiny (94 lbs.) gets 2 rounded cups a day--so call it 3 cups--and Raven (65 lbs.) gets 2 level cups a day, divided into morning and evening feedings. They're both seniors and don't do much running around, or it would be more. If one starts to look skinny I up the amount slightly, and vice versa if they start to look chubby. I throw a salmon oil capsule into the evening meal, and they get a chewie of some sort daily.

Kristen with

Penguin (L the Penguin) Flying Penske x L Alysana

Costarring The Fabulous Felines: Squeak, Merlin, Bailey & Mystic


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Bu is a free feeder and is allowed to eat as much as he wants/needs. He's on TOTW pacific stream and averages about 6 cups a day. He's around 85# and could probably go up to 90# and still look good. He had a lot of problems gaining weight. He came to me about 70#. To get him to gain that weight, he was on 8-9 cups per day. At that point, he ate everything in front of him and once he gained the weight, he started free feeding on his own. That said, I was just pet sitting 3 hounds who eat the same thing and they all eat 2 cups per day. 2 are smaller females and the male is probably in the 70# range.


I forgot :rolleyes: my foster is also on TOTW PS and eats almost 4 cups per day. He's 67-70# and needs to gain a couple pounds.

Edited by Sambuca
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  • 2 months later...

New guy Riley eats 4 cups a day. He's smaller than Tiny at around 70 lbs. but has so much nervous energy that he needs the extra food.

Kristen with

Penguin (L the Penguin) Flying Penske x L Alysana

Costarring The Fabulous Felines: Squeak, Merlin, Bailey & Mystic


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Flower (72 lbs) and Viktor (84 lbs) both eat 2 3/4 cups a day, plus a few treats throughout the day. General (73 lbs) eats 3 cups a day, plus the same treats.

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Guest Miller

Jeff is 86lbs and gets four cups of the dry food and a half can of the wet food each day.


If your doggie needs to add some pounds slowly up the amount.

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Guest mcsheltie

We have three fosters (65 lb girls) on it and they eat 6 cups a day. I am sooooo jealous, our dogs would be bone bags on 3 cups.

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