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Rainey Just Had A Grand Mal Seizure

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Guest LindsaySF

If you do bring her in for bloodwork, might be worth having a full thyroid panel run. Low thyroid can cause seizures. Fingers crossed this was an isolated incident. :goodluck

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Guest myjazzy

I have a seizure dog, so I know how scary it is to witness a seizure. I agree with what the vet said. It may be an isolated incident and may never happen again, but if it does happen again, I would do the blood work and then take it from there. It may be that they can't find what is causing the seizures. If Anubis had a reaction to her, you do need to keep him separated from Rainey when you are not there to watch them and if she does have another seizure, the first thing you need to do is get to Anubis and either crate him or take him outside. There's not much you can do for her while she is seizing and she could be attacked by Anubis. I don't want to scare you, but some dogs react by attacking the seizing dog. It happened to me and that’s really scary. I would just watch her and see. The only time it’s a medical emergency is if the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes or if she has several seizures in less than 24 hours, that’s when you should go to the Evet.


Judy (JillysFullHouse) knows a lot about seizures and helped me when my girl started having hers. We have not found a cause for Café’s seizures and she is on Phenobarbital, but we are still adjusting the meds. I hope this was an isolated incident and Rainey doesn’t have any more seizures.

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Guest boondog

I'm just seeing this. I'm so glad Rainey is doing better. That must have been a horrible experience.


I was so happy to meet Miss Rainey and Anubis at Louisville!

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Jumping in here very late. Glad to see she's back to normal. I can't add much to what everyone else has already said so I'm adding good thoughts that this was an isolated incident.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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My first grey was had seizures too. I had no experience with them and the first time he had one I was freaked out too. He almost seemed blind when he'd come out of them and was very disoriented for about an hour afterwards. Generally after a couple of hours he was pretty much back to his normal self.


His seizures became more frequent and eventually he had a really severe seizure. After that the vet put him on Phenobarbital and he never had another one.


I'm keeping you and Rainey in my prayers and hope that there are no more seizures.

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Guest lynne893

There is a ton of info on the health & med board here about seizures. It IS TERRIFYING. We fostered a big, almost 90lb guy who turned out to have epilepsy (we didn't know it until he had his first grand mal with us). The scariest thing I've ever been through.


My heart goes out to you. Good luck. We are here for you.

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