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Scratching Puppers

Guest dmona

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Guest dmona

Both my boyz are scratching the inside of their back legs and their penis. I gave them a bath, their anals were just expressed so I can't figure out what is causing this. I did change their food a couple weeks ago from Nutro to Holistic Select...could this be the cause? I keep checking, there are no bumps, no fleas or anything I can see.

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Guest Energy11

It is like A BLAST FURNACE outside here! HORRIBLE, but, none of mine are scratching. I would bet yours scratching is the food change. UNLESS ... they could have gotten into some Poison Ivy or something like it? Do they have a rash?


You COULD try some Benedryl (*regular, not the allergy sinus kind) 50 mg, every 4-6 hours.


Good Luck and hope they are "itch-free" soon!

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It's highly unlikely that two dogs would have a reaction to a new food at the same time. Food allergies typically start with itchy feet. I suspect that they might have picked up a flea or two. Do you use Frontline?


Having just been to the vet, they may have picked them up there!


Any chance you have ants in the yard that might have bitten them? Was it new shampoo? Was it dog shampoo? Did you rinse it REALLY well?


Just a couple of ideas!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Did they get itchy before or after the bath?? If it started after I would re-bathe them in a different shampoo--perhaps a soap free oatmeal based shampoo. I wouldn't think it would be the food change as it would be kinda weird that both dogs would have the same allergic response.

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Guest dmona

Thanks, everyone for the comments. The scratching started before the baths, that's why I bathed them as they had had one not too long ago. I'm glad to get the comments that it probably is not the food...I haven't seen any kind of bites. I know one of them likes to lay in the grass, but don't think the other one ever does. The shampoo I used is one that our group recommends and I have used it before. I really tried to rinse well because I thought maybe I hadn't before. I'll try the benadryl...I know they need relief.

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It may be seasonal allergies, my mixed breed just started scratching in the last week or two. Her feet are really itchy too. Strange about the area though - back legs and groin area would normally make me think fleas since they supposedly congregate there.

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