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Quick Kelly Update

Guest Stripeyfan

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Guest Stripeyfan

The vet has said that Kelly probably needs to stay on a maintenance dose of ABs to help control his IBD, so we are attempting to scale down that dose first of all to find out what works - we've reduced it from 6 tablets/day to 5, and if all is well with that, in another week or so, we'll try for 4. Then we want to try to reduce the pred dose, but again, in tiny amounts - 25% at the most rather than just halving it. Kelly doesn't seem to do well when there's big changes in his meds levels, so the vet has said to try and find out what works for him however we feel happiest doing it. We know the longer he's on the pred, the greater the risk of problems in the future from it, but if he hadn't gone on it in the first place he probably wouldn't be here now, so...


He's also on enzyme capsules (Tryplase) which seem to be working greyt - he doesn't have pancreas issues but the vet said they might help with reducing the meds, as they'd mean his gut doesn't have to work as hard to digest his food. He began gaining weight again after just 2 days on them (too much weight!) so we've had to cut his food down by 1/2 a cup, which he thinks is very unfair! We're sticking with the chicken/rice diet for now as he's doing fine on it, and we don't want to throw another variable into the mix while we're trying to tinker with the meds.


Finally I want to say just how much I appreciate all the good thoughts and advice I've had since I joined GT back in Feb, they've made a world of difference during what's been a very stressful and worrying time. Thankyou!

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I am glad he is doing well! I am sure, with a little trial & error, you can reduce his meds. I forget, what AB is he on? We thought at one time that Fletcher would have to be on a low dose of Flagyl (metronidazole) for life, but he has been able to just take it as needed. His gut was not damaged like Kelly's though.

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How much weight is too much weight?! I'm told there's an Irish saying that says doing _fill in the blank_(something difficult to impossible) "is like trying to put weight on a greyhound." Putting weight on an IBD greyhound is downright miraculous! You may find that Stripey will lose a couple pounds now and then without your trying and when you don't want him to. Just sayin'. wink.gif


It's wonderful that Stripey is doing better! Please tell him that his Auntie Mary is lookin' out for his caloric interests lol.gif and that his buddy Spencer sends his best!

Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest Stripeyfan

Kelly is on oxytetracycline (250mg tabs, 5 a day split into 3 doses). I forgot to say in the OP that he is on a probiotic too, Prozyme, which he gets with his 'lunch' along with vitamins, as he doesn't have meds with that meal.


Re the weight - the vet (and we) were happy he'd reached an ideal weight again before he started the enzymes - he was back to 35 kilos which is what he was when he came to us, and he looked good too - and then he started to gain again. He's maintaining his weight again nicely now but we will of course be keeping a close eye on it. He does get lots of snacks (cooked chicken!) with his supplements and so on, and also half a banana daily to help with the head spasms/cramps which he still gets occasionally. The mice he catches in the garden add a few calories every now and then too! :blink:


That's why the vet thinks it is IBD from worms and not something more sinister, because of the weight gain/maintenance, so we have got everything crossed that he'll continue to heal.

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