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Nail Trimming Surprise

Guest TeddysMom

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Guest TeddysMom

I got a really pleasant surprise tonight. When Spice first came home she would let me clip her nail, no problem. As she got more comfortable and confident she decided that this is something she did not want to do and it has been a battle ever since with the GSOD every time I tipped her nails. I never even got close to the quick. Well, tonight was the night that it had to be done and I dreaded it. I had bought a battery powered Dremel a few weeks ago and figured I would just tip her nails with the clippers then try to introduce her to the dremel. She fought the clippers so much and was getting really stressed out so I turned on the Dremel to check her reaction, nothing. I touched the Dremel to her nail with no fighting or reaction and finally got her nails down to where they should be. She even laid down and relaxed. I am so happy and Spice got lots of treats for being a good girl.

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Guest EmilyandSioux

It felt more like a massage than a nail trim. My husband ws thrown off the couch twice by Sioux the shy boy when we did his nails at first. Some GH hate to have nail trims. I put it off as long as I can and I am a vet tech. They usually behave better for others than a family member. Enjoy the dremmel Sioux runs from it and we learned not to puch the issue. My sister does nail trims in my house on all 5 dogs for us and she is a correctional officer in a prison.

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It felt more like a massage than a nail trim. My husband ws thrown off the couch twice by Sioux the shy boy when we did his nails at first. Some GH hate to have nail trims. I put it off as long as I can and I am a vet tech. They usually behave better for others than a family member. Enjoy the dremmel Sioux runs from it and we learned not to puch the issue. My sister does nail trims in my house on all 5 dogs for us and she is a correctional officer in a prison.



Nancy~Mom to Wizard July 9, 2006 and Lexie June 25, 2009

Always in my heart, my goofy boy Sarge 8-25-04....5-17-11

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Guest AboveTheClouds

I use the dremel with mine. It has become like a spa treatment. They get a treat after they've laid down to start their paw-dicure, then one treat after each foot and a massage at the end. :P

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Guest lasharp1209

Had a similar experience last night. It's a fight to get Blade into Petco (or anywhere), he gets so stressed out, and we finally bought a dremmel to do nails at home. I put it off for a while because I didn't know how he'd react but he just lied down on his bed and let me handle his paw and dremmel as much as I wanted. Totally relaxed. So proud of my boy :rolleyes:

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Guest Energy11

I HATE nail trimming in our house!


Oakly doesn't mind. You can distract Curfew and Staggerlee with peanut butter. Goldie HAS to be muzzled, and has to be distracted with peanut butter, and Cari ... NOTHING works anymore! I never quicked her or anything, but she is IMPOSSIBLE! Forget the Dremmel ... she hates that too. I don't want to have her sedated for a nail trim, so we will TRY a Valium, muzzle and see what happens! UGH!

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Guest MyBoys

I got a really pleasant surprise tonight. When Spice first came home she would let me clip her nail, no problem. As she got more comfortable and confident she decided that this is something she did not want to do and it has been a battle ever since with the GSOD every time I tipped her nails. I never even got close to the quick. Well, tonight was the night that it had to be done and I dreaded it. I had bought a battery powered Dremel a few weeks ago and figured I would just tip her nails with the clippers then try to introduce her to the dremel. She fought the clippers so much and was getting really stressed out so I turned on the Dremel to check her reaction, nothing. I touched the Dremel to her nail with no fighting or reaction and finally got her nails down to where they should be. She even laid down and relaxed. I am so happy and Spice got lots of treats for being a good girl.

How funny is this, I just did the same thing with my Henry yesterday. He has been with us a year now and god forbid I try to cut his nails, I was running to the vet to get it done. Yesterday I was using the dremel on Murphy and decided to try AGAIN on Henry, to my surprise he laid there like a slug and let me do it. I think the trick is that he had just gotten done running laps so he was tired and didn't really care what I was doing :lol

Good girl Spice, Mommy is soooooo pleased with you.

Edited by MyBoys
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I have never used traditional clippers on George because his nails are shaped differently than I am used to. The former Pres. of my adoption group had cut them REALLY short before I got him, so I have just been Dremeling along the lines she cut, and it's great!!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest TeddysMom

Where do you buy the dremel? Do they have them at Petco? I've been wanting to try it.


I bought mine at WalMart in the tool section. They had 4 different cordless ones and I got $34 one. It is really quiet and does a good job. We have a couple of corded, high powered ones but they are too loud and too fast.

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Guest kimmel729

Is a Dremel pretty much like pedi-paws? Brook desperately needs her nails trimmed so I have to go and buy something to do it. I don't know how she'll react and I'm on the fence between clippers & the filer thingies....I guess this is going to be trial & error :unsure

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