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Slippery Elm Dosages

Guest Stripeyfan

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Guest Stripeyfan

As some of you may know, I am thinking of starting Kelly on Slippery Elm and L-Glutamine supplements to see if they help his (suspected) IBD along with the meds he's currently on. I have an idea about the L-Glutamine dose (thankyou, Greyhead!), but I'm not sure about the Slippery Elm, which is what I want to try first (not going to try both together in case he shows signs of not tolerating one, so I know what's causing the problem).


I am going to buy the capsules from our local health food store, but what do I do then - is it ok just to break them open and sprinkle the powder over his food (unlikely he'll notice as he's so greedy, he doesn't notice his AB tablets or even Panacur granules when they're mixed in)? Or do I need to make a paste with water? And how many caps do I give? The ones I'm going to try and get are about 370mg per capsule and he would get his dose with his midday meal (we feed 3x day at the moment so his system doesn't have to cope with too much food at once), as he doesn't get any meds with that one.


Also, is there anything I need to look out for that would show he isn't tolerating the Slippery Elm, or is it unlikely to cause any problems?


Oh, and he weighs about 70 pounds (nearly forgot that bit)!


Thanks. :)

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Guest kydie

Gee, I never used slippery elm, I use ginger and chamomile tea that I brew and pour over his food, both were suggestions from a holistic vet, this is interesting :)

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Guest Samantha

As some of you may know, I am thinking of starting Kelly on Slippery Elm and L-Glutamine supplements to see if they help his (suspected) IBD along with the meds he's currently on. I have an idea about the L-Glutamine dose (thankyou, Greyhead!), but I'm not sure about the Slippery Elm, which is what I want to try first (not going to try both together in case he shows signs of not tolerating one, so I know what's causing the problem).


I am going to buy the capsules from our local health food store, but what do I do then - is it ok just to break them open and sprinkle the powder over his food (unlikely he'll notice as he's so greedy, he doesn't notice his AB tablets or even Panacur granules when they're mixed in)? Or do I need to make a paste with water? And how many caps do I give? The ones I'm going to try and get are about 370mg per capsule and he would get his dose with his midday meal (we feed 3x day at the moment so his system doesn't have to cope with too much food at once), as he doesn't get any meds with that one.


Also, is there anything I need to look out for that would show he isn't tolerating the Slippery Elm, or is it unlikely to cause any problems?


Oh, and he weighs about 70 pounds (nearly forgot that bit)!


Thanks. :)



slippery elm powder/capsules


1/4 of a tea spoon(powder) for every 10lbs body weight / 1/2 a capsule for every 10lbs body weight.


Can be given upto 3 times a day.


Hope this helps x



Oops forgot to say mix with alittle water & its very unlikely to cause any problems.

Edited by Samantha
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Guest BleuDog

Also please read and think about 'marshmellow',, it works differently than slippery elm, but, I have used both,,and both HELP!


Good Luck!!!

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I have added honey with the slippery elm and given that way. They lick it off the spoon!! Slippery Elm is very healing for the intestine as is Marshmallow.(which someone also posted) I truly believe in adding a probiotic for bowel problems. I use Dr.Mercola's Dog Probiotic. It has over 15 strains of probiotics. You can use all 3 together. (slippery elm, marshmallow and probiotics.) Good luck. I also buy the bulk slippery elm at the health food store. It's much cheaper than buying the pills.

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