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Nipping Me

Guest ladyflannel

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Guest ladyflannel

We have had Bob since Feb 8. He was 2 on Feb 2. He has recently started to nip at me when he wants something. He doesn't do this to anyone else in the family. Granted I am his main caregiver being a stay-at-home mom. The kids play with him too, but only one is home all day. They are starting to hurt because of his sharp teeth. He hasn't broken the skin yet, but has left some small bruises on my hand/arms.



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He is "nitting" on you. :) Sorta like "love bites". Anyway, the best thing to do is when he does it to shriek or squeel like puppies do when they are hurt. (I know it sounds corny but this is how puppies and mamma dogs teach).

~Beth, with a crazy mixed crew of misfits.
~ Forever and Always missing and loving Steak, Carmen, Ivy, Isis, and Madi.
Don't cry because it's ended, Smile because it happened.
Before you judge me, try to keep an open mind, not everyone likes your taste.

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Guest TBSFlame

Riley has a habit of this. Riley is not nitting but pinching/biting me when I don't move fast enough or pay attention to her. First she will poke me with her long nose and if I do not respond she will pinch me. I do let Riley get away with a lot b/c she is so darn cute. lol. It's my fault she is such a stinker. I take the blame.

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Guest MyBoys

I also went through this Henry, he would nip me when he wanted attention or was excited, he would actually nip at my calf if I walked away from him, I did just what Kamsmom said, I would let out a high pitched OUCH and then tell him NO BITE, it took some time but he finally caught on. He still does it sometimes when he gets excited but now all I have to say is NO BITE in a firm voice and he stops, he will then usually run off with my shoe or something in his excitment, but at least there are no more little bruse marks :lol

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Guest SusanP

Spinner does this, also mainly to me (Mom), though with him it's more of an "I'm so excited, hurry up" kind of thing. With him, it is far more than garden-variety nitting-my entire arm can end up in his jaws, and he used to bite down way too hard. Though I have not broken him of the habit, he has learned to control his bite to the extent that I can tolerate it as a "love bite". Early on, I'd grab his entire lower jaw and tongue with my hand and hold on when he got my hand in his mouth and squeeze slightly. He didn't like it, and while he wouldn't totally stop, he did back off some.


Spinner is a dog who gets overstimulated very easily.

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Guest ladyflannel

Thanks everyone. He does do this when excited or wants me to hurry. The grey's personalities amaze me! I didn't expect Bob to take so much of my heart ;)

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Guest Tokolos

Sprinkles does this when we're playing. He'll nip at my belly as if to say, "Come on, come and get me, rawr!"

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Guest NeverSayNever

How have you responded thus far? Off top of my head, I would step into him and move him out of my space. Goose him with my foot to back him out of my bubble. You will encourage it if you back or pull away or if you try to push him with your hands. Most of them don't expect you to goose them with a foot and so they tend to back off.

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Passion used to bite me in the ass while I was just getting ready to go down the stairs

I think she was trying to kill me :rofl

So I bought a house without stairs :lol

She hasn't done this in years though but it still makes me laugh

Edited by Wonder


Kari and the pups.
Run free sweet Hana 9/21/08-9/12/10. Missing Sparks with every breath.
Passion 10/16/02-5/25/17

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Guest Ashleigh

Hank used to be a nipper, but I did the shriek thing too and he's stopped. Now I get a paw smacking my nightstand or near my head when he wants outside or food. They're amazingly smart that way! The nipping does pinch a lot though. It wasn't hard for me to simulate the 'yelp'. :lol

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Guest GreyRabbit

My Cosmo does the same thing and it's driving me nuts too! He does it when excited, playing, etc and I have also had bruises! I have literally been "squealing" already because it HURTS, and then telling him NO NO. I'm glad I stumbled upon your post, thanks for asking, it will help me too wubsite.gif



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Guest ladyflannel

My Cosmo does the same thing and it's driving me nuts too! He does it when excited, playing, etc and I have also had bruises! I have literally been "squealing" already because it HURTS, and then telling him NO NO. I'm glad I stumbled upon your post, thanks for asking, it will help me too wubsite.gif


I love this site too!! I always look around before I post too. Often I find a thread already going about my question. I'm still a new owner myself but I can't imagine Bob not being in our family.

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Guest greygirls2

My boy JJ was 18 mos. when I got him and he started this nipping thing too....and you're right it does smart! What I did was say "no nip, kissies" very firmly and every single time he started so he learned really fast to immediately stop nipping and give me a kiss instead. I still use it every once in a while when he gets over excited and starts to nip....works every time. He just turned 6 in Jan. and he's my sweetie boy!

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