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Rabbit Killers

Guest 3greysinPA

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Guest 3greysinPA

OK, houndies out for their first turnout in the morning.... and


what do my two little girlies decide.... they want breakfast :chow


and Faye catches it and then Lilly and Faye play tug of war with it :french


and I am at the patio door with my jammies on...


OK.... so they ate it.....


They came in and I wiped there legs and mouth to get the blood off...


and NOW WHAT??? :huh2


Do i need to give them a worm medicine? I cant remember.

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Guest 3greysinPA

Here's hoping they don't puke it back up :goodluck:puke


Can't hurt to worm them, but probably not necessary...keep an eye out for tapes.

I hope they dont






anyway.. i know this post might be spelled wrong or something,, but i am at towrk

on this cheesy computer ... that makes my posts invisible... because i cannot load firefox on work



anyway... thank you Heather... I think i am going to send the DH home to check on the hounds.

I'm a little worried about them now.

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Aieee, what a way to start the morning! And that it was your sweet little girls... ;)


I think I read something on a previous rabbit-killing thread about fleas as a possible issue? No experience with this myself (yet!) however.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Ok YUCK. Sorry you had to deal with that.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

What type of monthly flea treatment are your hounds on? If you use "Revolution" you dont have to worry about worms as that particular product also is a wormer. If your hounds arent on Revolution, I still wouldn't worry about it much. My hounds have eaten a few rabbits around the yard, as well as a bird, and even attempted a skunk. Remember, these hounds are designed to eat rabbits and other vermin, the worst that can happen is worms, and those are easy enough to take care of. As others have said, I would just watch for the big D. Even if they do get worms, you wont know for a week or so anyway (the gestation period for most worms is 1-3 weeks, I believe).

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Guest Energy11

I just checked with my former employer/vet, and he said, you can bring a stool sample in, anytime after a week. He said it might be a good idea. The only heartworm medication that covers TAPEworms is Iverheart MAX. Hope they don't get any!

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Guest Energy11

I get my Iverhart MAX at this site. Good prices for the "brown" box. You will need a script from you vet. They fax the vet, if you want. Good Luck. This the heartworm treatment I use, because we have a lot of mice, rats, etc. up here in the woods. When we lived in Florida, Staggerlee at a RAT! http://search.store.yahoo.net/cgi-bin/nsearch?unique=a30c1&catalog=discountpetsdrugs (link ... in the "search box," just type in Iverhart Max.

Edited by Energy11
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Guest 3greysinPA

I get my Iverhart MAX at this site. Good prices for the "brown" box. You will need a script from you vet. They fax the vet, if you want. Good Luck. This the heartworm treatment I use, because we have a lot of mice, rats, etc. up here in the woods. When we lived in Florida, Staggerlee at a RAT! http://search.store.yahoo.net/cgi-bin/nsearch?unique=a30c1&catalog=discountpetsdrugs (link ... in the "search box," just type in Iverhart Max.

Thank you so much for the information!! :)

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Guest Energy11

No, nothing you can do to prevent Pancreatitis. Just watch for the signs: vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, fever, etc. When Staggerlee at the RAT (ugh), he had no ill effects, including NO worms! :-)) I AM glad they are all vaccinated against Rabies, though, as wild game can carry this. We had a Rabies epidemic in this area, over the summer.

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Guest 3greysinPA

No, nothing you can do to prevent Pancreatitis. Just watch for the signs: vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, fever, etc. When Staggerlee at the RAT (ugh), he had no ill effects, including NO worms! :-)) I AM glad they are all vaccinated against Rabies, though, as wild game can carry this. We had a Rabies epidemic in this area, over the summer.

They all seemed lethargic tonight... not as active as usual...


Now i will be nervous until tomorrow morning when they all wake up again...

Right now... they are out .... very sleepy tonight...and they have really FOUL GAS tonight...

I mean worse than usual :ohno:sick


Lets just say a little prayer that they will be ok...

maybe that will make me feel better. :cry1

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Guest longdogs

Nothing to worry about. In the unlikely event they pick up worms an 'all-wormer' pill will sort them out. No point in giving one now because it won't work until the worm becomes active. Just use one in place of your normal regular intestinal worm treatment.

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Guest TexasGreytMom

Before we put welded wire with smaller openings around the bottom our fenceline, the girls caught one, but fortunately they didn't eat it. Just stood at our back door looking thru the glass and waiting for us to let them inside with it in Shelby's mouth! LOL!


Thank you all for the good info - hope your girls are feeling okay.

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Guest 3greysinPA

Consider your self lucky---mine did the same thing with a skunk!!!! :eek

:jaw OH NO!!! :sick


Fingers crosse dthey are fine and don't do it again, worrying their mom sooo much ;) That 's for the foul gas ;);)

The Foul gas remains in the air....


However thy seem just fine... eating is normal... behavior normal... everything OK..


thank doG!


Keeping my fingers crossed that nothing bad happens from all this... i have to say the whole pancreatitis thing is really scary.


Worms... i can deal with... pancreatitis... is a different monster. :(

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