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Leg Injury

Guest ding47

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My hound injuried his right thigh. It required 6 small staples with no dressing. Any ideas on how I can keep him from licking it until it heals? Is there any bandage I can put on it without tearing his skin or pulling off fur?

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Guest Energy11

Do you have pajamas with legs? I know clothing works well to cover up access to things like that. I know some people have even gotten creative with pants and boxers....

That is exactly what I would do, as well! Good Luck!

I guess I'm probably not too much help.... :)

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Guest BorzoiMom

Two weeks after his neuter Dutch's suture site opened and needed staples. Of course e-collars don't work on him and he pulled 2 staples out. I got him re-stapled and got a bottle of Bitter Yuk spray from Petsmart. Sprayed the site and never had a problem after that. (it works well to keep squirrels out of your potted plants too) :)

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Just to add...


Bitter Yuck is not the same as Bitter Apple. Bitter Apple is alcohol-based and should not be sprayed on an injury, where it will sting. Bitter Yuck is water-based.


But I have to say that Bitter Yuck didn't work with my dog. Sam had staples in his foot. I caught him licking, so I sprayed his foot with Bitter Yuck. Next thing I knew, he was carefully licking around the staples to get off all the Bitter Yuck. :) And my bottle leaked, and I accidentally got a taste of the Bitter Yuck from my hands. The first taste is nasty, but subsequent tastes aren't nearly as bad (taste buds become immune?). If your dog isn't deterred by the first taste, he might not be deterred at all, so keep an eye on him to make sure he's suitably impressed by the stuff. (Squirrels may be more impressionable. :) )

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Mine have always licked the shirt or pants they had over their wounds :(

But at least it's better than licking the actual spot, right?


Kari and the pups.
Run free sweet Hana 9/21/08-9/12/10. Missing Sparks with every breath.
Passion 10/16/02-5/25/17

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Guest RaspberryRachel

Best way would probably just be a muzzle and cap. Just make sure the cap is on the OUTSIDE of the muzzle, and the zip-tie fastener is on the INSIDE.

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