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Bistro Is Acting Really Strangely

Guest rachelee

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I was wondering if he had had a fall while you were out and was just scared of the stairs.

But then your vet visit made me think not... I too would now wonder about a stroke?


Do let us know what else you learn at the vets again

Amy and Tim in Beverly, MA, with Chase and Always missing Kingsley (Drama King) and Ruby (KB's Bee Bopper).

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Guest rachelee

Back from the Neurologist. As Bistro is acting normal again, he had a difficult time determining what this was. It could be seizure related. It could be encephalitis, but is unlikely as he's so much better. It could be something else. We're taking a wait and see approach -- we'll watch him carefully and see if any of these behaviors repeat. He asked us that if we say any odd behavior again to take a video and email him so that he could see it himself. That seemed reasonable to me.


When I got home from the e-vet last night I had to carry Bistro out of the car. This morning he hopped in and out the way he always does, excited for a ride.


This was so odd, but I certainly hope I never experience it again. What a relief that everything is okay so far!


Thanks for your support.

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Guest eaglflyt

I am happy to report that Bistro is acting normal this morning!


I slept downstairs with him and he was pacing and pacing for a while. His bed is kind of wedged in between tables, so at about 1 I moved the bed to the middle of the floor so it was easier to get to. Eventually he settled down and slept, at around 1:30 or 2.


I'm still taking him to his appointment this morning, but we are breathing a sigh of relief. He is bounding up and down the stairs the way he always has. He's no longer sniffing everything or walking into things. He's walking with his head up. He went to his bed in its normal place with ease.


I wonder if he could have ingested something?


Yay Bistro!


That's what I was wondering earlier... maybe he ate something that wasn't dog friendly and he had a bit of a *trip* from it?


So glad to hear he's better!!!

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