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Eye Problem

Guest gurehaundo

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Guest gurehaundo

When I came home from work about half an hour ago, I noticed that something was wrong with Jac's eye. I immediately called the vet so he could be seen as soon as possible. The vet is about half an hour away from my town and the next appointment available is at 10:30. This gave me enough time to take some pictures and ask you guys for some help. Has anyone ever seen this before? Is it like a cherry eye gone crazy? Is there anything I should ask the vet? In all my life, I've never had a dog with an eye that looked like this.








Thanks in advance!

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Guest eaglflyt

I actually have had this happen with my own eye ... it was edema from an allergic reaction. Hopefully your Jac's eye will return to normal with some meds. I'm sure they will check for corneal abrasions, too, since allergic reactions really itch, too.


I'll be waiting for an update and hope he's much better soon!

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I, too, get the same type of eye problem. The conjuctiva gets all swollen, usually from itching. I get it when I pet the cat, and then touch my eye. I agree it's probably an allergic reaction.

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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In the first picture it looks a bit like episcleritis - which Jack had. His eye didn't swell quite so much, though. In the third it looks as if it's the inside of the eyelid which is swollen, so maybe more likely to be a foreign body.


The good news is that the iris and pupil both look good. Let us know how it goes! :goodluck

Edited by silverfish


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Guest gurehaundo

We're back, and I must say that you guys are good! Jac's eye doesn't have any scratches on it so the vet believes he's just having an allergic reaction to something or that something poked him. There's no debris in there so we were sent home with some eye drops. Whew! I was freaking out when I saw Jac's eye. I thought the thing was falling out! Thanks for the well-wishes! The vet said that we should see an improvement by tomorrow at the latest.

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Guest Greensleeves

I agree with Eagle and Rascalsmom (and your vet!) that it looked a lot like allergic conjunctivitis--where the conjunctiva (the lining of the eye) swells up due to an allergic reaction. I've had this happen several times, but the first time, according to DH, it looked just like that, only worse! We were out driving after a picnic, and he turned to me and I thought his own eyes would pop out! He turned around and drove me straight to the ER, where the admitting nurse looked at me, nodded, and said, "Yup, probably almond tree pollen." DH says it was "definitely the grossest and scariest thing that's ever happened to you." :lol But ultimately harmless, once treated. For me, it took about 14+ hours for the swelling to go down (during which time I was instructed not to close my eyes, yet could not see well enough to read or sew or surf the 'net. Sigh.).


Glad to see he's getting better already!

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Guest trevdog

No idea on him, but I get them when I rub my eyes too much during allergy season. They are very uncomfortable too! Glad to hear they are improving already...

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Guest gurehaundo

Jac's eye is 100% better! Thanks for asking. I kind of always thought that allergies involved being itchy. I know that my eyes become itchy when I suffer an attack, but Jac didn't seem to notice that anything was out of the ordinary. Weird.

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