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Pale Gums

Guest ThunderPaws

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Guest ThunderPaws

Tater did his first blood donation today at the NC vet school for their small animal emergency clinic! :colgate

His health tests checked out excellent and he did great, he is very outgoing and thinks the vet school is a neat place to visit. After the donation they gave him yummy treats and some A/D can food, I think.

Now, about three hours later, I notice that his gums are pretty pale. Is there anything I can feed him to get his color back quicker? He acts fine and ate a few treats, I just want to make sure my Tater boy is ok. My other two blood donor greyhounds don't get pale gums, so this is the first time dealing with it.


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Guest KennelMom

I would give the vet clinic a call...I'm not sure if pale gums are normal with blood donation or not, but I'd want to ask one of the docs there...


Hope all turns out well!

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I'm a mother hen about the hounds. If it was me I'd call them. Pale gums concern me-shock etc? Check his capillary response time. Make a white spot on his gums with your fingernail and the color should fill back in almost immediately. Can't be too careful. Nothing wrong with being overprotective! Just my opinion.

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Guest Energy11

I, too, would call the vet clinic. Pale gums are really not normal after a blood donation, especially, given a greyhound's high red blood count. Hope all is well! Good Luck.

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Guest ThunderPaws

After feeding him more treats, chicken strips, a yummy hamburger and a full bowl of kibble, he is finally getting some color back, yay. Bet he'll have some good gas tonight. :lol

I was probably over-reacting, but better safe than sorry! Thanks, Greytalkers! :)


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Guest Energy11
After feeding him more treats, chicken strips, a yummy hamburger and a full bowl of kibble, he is finally getting some color back, yay. Bet he'll have some good gas tonight. :lol

I was probably over-reacting, but better safe than sorry! Thanks, Greytalkers! :)

Glad to hear that! Just needed a food boost. If he donates again, you'll know what to do, and I am sure he won't protest :-)) HOPE you don't have tooooo much gas! :eek:eek:lol

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