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My Dog Has Fleas

Guest ogie65

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Hi, I know there have been a lot of discussion on how to get rid of fleas on the dogs. Their Frontline seems to have failed, so I'm going to try the Adams Flea Mist that gets such rave reviews.


My question is - how to get rid of the fleas in the house? I think they may have infested my bed, too. I've tried washing everything, including the mattress cover, but no luck. Can anyone recommend a topical spray for furniture that is effective but hopefully nontoxic for me and the pups to sleep on? Can the Adams spray be used on furniture?


Flea bombs have been mentioned in previous topics, without many details. I've used them years ago for a bad infestation, but I'm still leery of them. If needed, is there a particular brand that you would recommend?


I know - vacuum, vacuum, vacuum! My floors are hardwood, without a lot of carpeting, so I really do think the fleas are mostly in the dog beds and furniture.



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Here's what we just did


Flea dip everyone!

Use capstar every 2 days for a week

Use Raid Flea Fogger excessively throughout the entire Apt. Used 1 bottle for each small room.

Use Adams flea/tick spray on all bedding for dogs

Washed every fabirc item in the Apt

24 hours after flea dip use Revolution on everyone (only one who had chemical burn was Rainy, but she's a sensitive GH with allergies including fleas)


We had a full flea genocide!




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Knockout spray.


Frontline may be working, but it doesn't kill instantly, so if you have an infestation -- fleas in bedding, carpet, etc. -- you're still going to have fleas.


Pick up some Capstar tablets from your vet. Might also be able to get them at Petsmart/Petco. They will kill all the live fleas on your dog.


Also pick up some lawn-and-leaf bags.




1. Bag up all the bedding, dirty clothes, towels, etc. Everything made of fabric that's hanging around. Spray a goodly amount of Knockout into each bag as you're filling it.

2. Working in sections (so you and dog have a fume-free place to go), spray each room. Upholstery, floor, bedding, whatever you couldn't remove. You don't need to do the walls and ceiling :) . Try to leave each room closed up for an hour or two after spraying, then ventilate.

3. Give dog Capstar.

4. As you have time, work on washing everything you bagged up. Water temp doesn't matter, just be sure you put it through the dryer. If something's too big to fit in your nice hot dryer, send it out to be dry cleaned.

5. Possibly repeat in 2-3 weeks :( .


I feel for you. I'm allergic to fleas, too. Stinks.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest Energy11

You can Adams on the dog bedding, rugs etc. I would be sure to have you and the hounds out of the house after your spray, and open the windows. Even though Adams is safe, it shouldn't be inhalded.


We also use products from this site, because once we sprayed for bees and hornets OUTSIDE, but the fumes, etc. did get the dogs sick. http://www.saferbrand.com/


Good Luck. I still cannot believe I had NO fleas and just a few ticks this summer with the Adams Flea and Tick Mist!


Capstar is awesome! It will kill the fleas on your dogs, and it is safe.

Edited by Energy11
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Revolution. I found 2 cats on the side of the road and took them and their fleas in. I put revolution on the 2 cats I already had immediately after I brought the strays in. The next day, after talking to my vet I put revolution on the 2 strays. I never saw a flea in my apartment. I love revolution. It's a topical like frontline, but you need a prescription.

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Thanks everybody! It does seem like y'all know how to kill fleas!


And I love how there's no judgment here for allowing my dogs on my bed, either :lol Most of my friends have no idea why I'm willing to put up with having a fuzzy ear up my nose thanks to Ethel, or trying to wedge my feet under 80 lbs of Ogie in the middle of the night because he's taken over the entire lower half of the bed. I get no sympathy about having fleas in my bed from them! :crazy:wub::wub:

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Guest TheDoggfather

I don't like Adams... we used it on some of our racers and every one of them had a bad reaction to it.


As far as getting them off your dog, you may well have the BEST thing to rid your dog of fleas in your kitchen. Don't laugh now... Dawn dishwashing soap. When/if we have a breakout in the kennel, we'll hit all the dogs with a Dawn bath.


Lately, the only thing we've found that's been effective in riding them is nothing topical... we've gone to using Comfortis. Google it... it's one of the best things we've found in a LONG time.

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