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My Charlie has suffered 3 what appear to be mini-strokes in the last few months. He freezes in place and loses the use of his back legs. His balance goes heywire and his eyes glaze over. His heart rate goes up, and he pants and drools. He recovers in around 20 minutes. The vet prescribes Pred for 2 weeks at a time, which fixes him up until it happens again. Has anyone had experience with this? Does it get worse (he's 13) over time? Is he losing a few brain cells whenever this happens?



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It could be seizures too.


If it's a stroke he needs to have his BP checked. There are many meds out there that can bring the BP down. (I should know, my Pearl's on 21 pills a day for heart disease and hypertension).


She had a TIA (mini-stroke) back in Jan and we discovered that we lost control of her BP, which she was being medicated for. It was over 240.

So we have her BP checked every 6 weeks.




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Guest Energy11

Curfew was doing the exact SAME thing! Now that is on Enalapril, 20 mg,/ daily, he seems fine. He had an "event", a year ago Sept. where he had what I think was a stroke, and it took him a few days to recover. Now, looking back, I think it was the high BP that caused this. I take his BP myself, with an infant BP cuff ... (paramedic trained/worked in a Pediatric ER).... I think it was his hypertension, high BP, that may have caused his "stroke,"


He is doing VERY well!! Thank God!

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Sounds like it could be seizures or TIA's.


My Gracie, only 7 years old, has had several TIA's in the last year. We weren't sure what they were at the time, but looking back, it's now clear they were TIA's. This June she had a stroke that left her completely immobile for about 2 1/2 weeks. She was also blind in both eyes for a while, recovered sight in her right eye, and eventually recovered partial or most of her sight in her left eye. She had to learn how to walk again. Thankfully, she has recovered to about 95% of her pre-stroke status. Strokes are a scary, scary experience!


After Graice's stroke, we found out that she had undiagnosed high blood pressure. So, I second the thought of monitoring Charlie's blood pressure. Hope he is doing well!

Lisa, Matt, Travis, and Kathryn

Furkids: Gracie (Styled Princess) and felines Tilly and Nike


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After Graice's stroke, we found out that she had undiagnosed high blood pressure. So, I second the thought of monitoring Charlie's blood pressure. Hope he is doing well!



I'm amazed at how many vets don't even think high BP or check it. Especially the specialists.


I would have lost Pearl years ago if her cardiologist didn't check her BP when I said she wasn't quite herself after a good cardiac exam. She's been on BP meds for years now and we keep having to up the doses. Back when she had her TIA in Jan, the BP registered 280. And that was ON BP meds. We have it back down to about 150 now.





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