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Tail Is Definitely Broken

Guest BooandCalisMom

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Yeah, if there is no feeling at the tip, it's probably best to amputate... that's too bad. Iberia had a "kinky" tail that looked like it had a couple of breaks near the tip; it happened before I got him and was all healed, it gave him character!

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You must feel happier now a decision's made....


Just one point though, dependant on how far up the tail the break is .i.e.


....... bitches squat to toilet 'if the broken part is higher up than the bend' (above the curl) and the tail is left too long after surgery it can touch the ground and causes discomfort and slow healing.

However, 'when the break is lower than the bend' that's better because the greyhound could curl the tail out of the way and vets would be inclined to leave more on then.



Run free our beloved Sir Snowy, Pip, Queenie, Sadie, Tess & Rosie until we meet again......I would rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose

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Thanks, all, for the advice. We went ahead and scheduled surgery for this upcoming Wed, and will keep you all posted. Cali seems so miserable with her tail the way it is now, and we don't want to risk any infection. I dont think she has any feeling left at the tip of her tail so I think it's best to let it go.


I am most scared of the recovery, but I know she will be fine in the long run, and it warms my heart to see all of these shorter-tailed princes and princesses!!


I was afraid of the recovery as well, I had heard nightmare stories but honestly, it was a breeze and healed well in a matter of 10 days

Edited by cbudshome


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest Willerton

I accidentally shut my dog's tail in a door, and at first I tried to have it stitched up (it wasn't broken). The recovery from that was awful. He was in so much pain--not even combinations of tramadol and rimadyl cut the pain. I finally decided to amputate and wish I would have done that at the beginning. As soon as he was recovered from the surgery, he was pretty much back to his old self. If you need to keep your dog from chewing stitches, put on a muzzle with duct tape covering part of the end. He didn't exhibit ANY pain after the amputation. A dying tail is just massive pain I wouldn't wish on anyone.

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Since you asked for experiences, I'll just add that Spencer broke his very long tail, somehow, after he came to us, about four inches up from the tip. No broken skin, but he licked it a lot and didn't like it touched. It took a few weeks to realize there really was a problem and take him in for an x-ray. The vet said "it's a mess in there" and that the usual treatment was amputation, which I found preposterous in this day and age. They have no splints for this! But the vet said the bones were already trying to grow back together, so she had the tech hacksaw off the end of a syringe casing to make a splint. We wrapped gauze around the area, slid the splint over that, and taped the ends. Changed it weekly. In six weeks it was all healed! And I was very grateful that he got to keep his tail.


Out of curiousity, how does one assess feeling in the tail? Do you pinch it kinda hard?


All the best to you and Cali.

Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest BooandCalisMom

This weekend alone little lady whacked her tail pretty good a few times and opened the wound again last night at some point (it bled through the wrapping last night and onto our guest bed). So it's increasingly obvious to us that there it little likelihood that we'd be able to have this heal on its own without either having to wrap it every day and/or put some sort of hard casing up and down her tail (not sure she'd tolerate that).


Plus the end of her tail below the wound just hangs, and is so pathetic. And, yes, when we pinch it she doesn't seem to feel it.


Ughhh!! So we just need to get through the surgery and I am optimistic that all will be well.


Crazygang - Good point about the peeing situation - I hadn't thought of that be will be sure to discuss with the surgeon!!


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