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Prayers For Bella

Guest Dragonmom

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Guest Dragonmom
Oh, poor sweetie! And you! You must be so out of your mind :grouphug


I'm surprised about no pain meds too . . . Soul was sent home with meds for the pain when he had to have his toenail taken off. Only used two, but still . . . was she at least sent home with antibiotics to guard against infection?


Re~how they act when in pain . . . Soul was very stoic. Not crying, GSOD, or anything like that. He just acted 'off' :(

she was sent home with clovamox (spelling?) I got her to eat 1/2 a hamburger and she went out to pee about 1/2 an hour ago.

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Guest Dragonmom
How is Bella this morning?

she is still sore and hasn't gotten off the bed to eat or potty yet.


If there is a specialty clinic in Winnipeg, I'd be very tempted to call them and bring her in there for a post-surgery consult.

i would love to take her to a specialty clinic somewhere but we dont have a car yet so we can't go anywhere :(

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I agree - I can't believe they didn't send her home with pain meds!


I guess on second thought they won't be open til tomorrow because of Thanksgiving - is there an e-vet who might be able to give her something?


Animals, like people, need to be without pain in order to let their bodies concentrate on healing.

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Guest trevdog

Never give a greyhound any type of tylenol. Did they not give her any pain meds? We use Ascriptin here, it's buffered aspirin.

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Guest Dragonmom

phew thanks for the advice. i'll be calling other vets tomorrow for advice on what to do. i have never had a dog with such an injury before.

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The vet who did the surgery should be able to give you pain meds tomorrow. Call and tell him Bella is in pain, and also refusing to eat.


I've always had good luck with Tramadol, alone or in combination with Metacam, as long as they are given after the dog has eaten something, but as with any meds, a reaction to one or both is always possible and you may get additional suggestions.


Hopefully you can keep finding things for her to eat - sometimes mixing it up helps. I've had good luck with cheese, chicken, boiled beef balls, ...

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Guest Dragonmom

i unwrapped Bella's leg to see how bad it was and it didn't look near as bad as i was thinking it would. i need to clean the dried blood off and figure out how to rewrap it. she cut 2 tendons and the vet said something about wrapping it again but i have no idea what he meant as i was kinda in a daze after all that happened. i left the wrap off for now to get air at it and she has a poo bag tied loosey around it so she wont lick it.


any advice on how to rewrap it would be great.

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Is she wearing a cone so she can't lick or otherwise damage the site? This is critical. no matter how much she hates it.


It sounds like she's not moving around a lot anyway, but keeping a lid on exercise (including short leash walks only outdoors) and ensuring she isn't jumping up on things indoors is also important.


My suggestion would be to get her in tomorrow as soon as you can - they can look at the site and make sure they are happy with it, and then rewrap. If they expect you to rewrap, then they should show you how. You can get pain meds at the same time.


If you do attempt to rewrap in the meantime and are covering the soft bandaging with vetwrap, be very careful not to wrap too tight, i.e., do not at all stretch the wrap as you put it on or you can cut off circulation.


Also, be sure to keep everything dry.


Please keep us posted on how things go with your sweet Bella.

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Guest Dragonmom

she isnt wearing a cone but i put one of my DF's socks on her and she is for the most part leaving it alone. i'm going to try and get some pictures of her foot. walks now are just out for potty breaks and thats it.

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Guest Dragonmom

the poo bag on her leg works well to keep her from licking it. air can still get in and it won't come off. she is pretty much still sleeping all the time.

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Guest Dragonmom

i called the vets this morning and he gave us Tolfedine for pain and also a tube of Nutri-cal cause she isn't eating much yet. She is using her leg more though than she was yesterday.

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