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Runner Losing Toenails

Guest MidnightMama

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Guest MidnightMama

We've had Runner for almost four years, she is 5 1/2. In the last six months, she has lost 6-7 nails. At first it seemed she was just a bit clumsy and pulling them out as she zoomed around playing. The first nails either broke close to the toe or pulled out with no visible quick. The last 3 nails have come out in the past 6 weeks. These seem different from the first few in that the appear to be "loose" and she fusses over them, licking and chewing incessently until the nail pulls free as she just walks. The bleed copiously and the quick is left exposed (which appears to be very painful). We took her to the vet immediately when the first quick was exposed. I sent information on SLO along with my DH when he took her, as we were concerned that it might be a factor. Our vet does not believe this is the case as Runner's nails appear very healthy and are a good length. They did prescribe Rimadyl for the pain, but I'd like to see if anyone else has experienced this.

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It sounds like SLO. Treat it as if it were SLO and if that works, it was SLO. I don't understand your vet's reasoning. This is very painful for your dog. Evidence is the licking and fussing. Good luck and get started on the treatment. This is not curable if it is SLO, but manageable.

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Guest Energy11

Karen, the other person who helped with our first aid seminar at Mt. Hound's little girl, Penny, has SLO. She's done pretty well wlith it. It DOES sound like it. What else does the vet suspect, if not this?

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Guest MidnightMama

From what I gathered from DH (he actually took her to the vet while I was at work), the vet believed that she is knocking them loose when she plays, but I need to call them today to let them know that she lost another over the weekend.

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I went through it with Misty, I was sure it was SLO and my vet didn't agree. He thought it was due to a thyroid problem. Turned out he was right.


What you are describing doesn't not sound like SLO to me. With SLO, the nails look unhealthy and crusty


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