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Hi all,


Introducing myself here, finally. Hubby (wpgkeith) will say it's about time. My name's Kathy and I am a GT lurker from Canada. :blush


Having said that, Keith posts enough for both of us, so you might not see many posts from me, but I thought it might be useful to have my own identity for days like today, when poor Brogan got bit by something which caused her face to swell up and make her look like a Bull Terrier. I might have needed to post something in Health and Medical. I gave her a Benedryl like I read there before, and off to the vet we went. She's resting comfortably now.


That said, thanks for being there Greytalkers!



Kathy with Riley (Hoosier Baby) and Brogan (Cold B Brogan)

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Hi Mrs. Keith :P

~Beth, with a crazy mixed crew of misfits.
~ Forever and Always missing and loving Steak, Carmen, Ivy, Isis, and Madi.
Don't cry because it's ended, Smile because it happened.
Before you judge me, try to keep an open mind, not everyone likes your taste.

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Thanks for the welcomes. Brogan was fine today and she and Riley and I all piled into the car for a day at a friends cottage. Beautiful weather. Sadly I didn't think to bring my camera - could have got some great shots. Another friend brought her lab cross which helped Brogan and Riley look like angels. Just put some beds on the floor and down they flop. No kittehs in sight so even Brogan was an angel.


Went for a walk with the group and we were charged at by two small white fluffy dogs from another cottage. Riley and Brogan hardly noticed them despite the charging and barking. The lady looking after them asked what kind of dogs R&B are, admiring how calm they were - the dogs belong to her mother - she said she would never get a barky little dog.

Kathy with Riley (Hoosier Baby) and Brogan (Cold B Brogan)

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