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Cooked Chicken Bones

Guest wjamg

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My dog got into the trash today and ate cooked chicken bones...I have a housesitter right now because we are suppose to leave tomorrow for vacation she called me at work and told me she only left my girl home alone for ten minutes and forget to take out the trash on her way out the door.


Augh, how long do I need to monitor my girl and watch her closely? I am now nervous about leaving for the beach tomorrow evening. Anyone have experience with this? should the bones pass by 24 hours?



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You would certainly want to monitor her closely for a day, I think, but in fact bones can lodge and cause trouble after that too. Mostly, they pass OK without incident, but when they do cause trouble, it's bad trouble.


Can someone you trust watch her for you? Someone who would know what to look for?


Have you fed her lots of bread? Might be too late, might still help. Worth a try.


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Guest Ohiogreymom

I would give her a couple slices of bread, but she'll probably be fine. It's risky, but years ago, my grandfather always fed his hunting dogs cooked bones. Definitely NOT a smart thing to do, but accidents do happen, and your girl will probably be fine. Just keep an eye on her. Darlene

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I gave her some cooked rice. I just walked her and she had a loose bm, this is the first time she has eaten something not on her regular diet. My mom is the housesitter, I have my adoption group as her emergency backup number and will talk to mom several times a day to check on my hound. If these dogs could just talk and tell us when they hurt!

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Guest Energy11

Hopefully, giving her the bread and all, she should be fine. Of course, it is the sharp pieces of these bones that could cause a problem. Sounds like you have the right pet sitter and back up. Good Luck!

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Your Mom can tell if she hurts by watching her closely.


Dogs with impacted bones or perforated guts stand with their head low and their tummy tucked up, and back arched. They may stretch out in the 'playbow' type position. They look miserable. Also watch out for unproductive straining to pass BMs, and any sign of blood in the stools.


Couple of mine have got cooked bones by accident (mostly thanks to stupid people who just toss their fast food bones in the hedge as they walk along) and they've been fine. Don't assume the worst, but still, I'd be vigilant for a while.



The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Your Mom can tell if she hurts by watching her closely.


Dogs with impacted bones or perforated guts stand with their head low and their tummy tucked up, and back arched. They may stretch out in the 'playbow' type position. They look miserable. Also watch out for unproductive straining to pass BMs, and any sign of blood in the stools.


Couple of mine have got cooked bones by accident (mostly thanks to stupid people who just toss their fast food bones in the hedge as they walk along) and they've been fine. Don't assume the worst, but still, I'd be vigilant for a while.


This is a great reply.


We have had 2 "trash" incidents of chicken bones - 1 wing each time. We chased them with 2 slices of bread soaked in oil. A knuckle came up in vomit once and the balance was digested without incident. The whole wing was digested without concern in the other incident. Chances are you'll be ok, but absolutely have your mother watch very closely. Had a non grey need surgery for the same reason on a steak bone many years ago. The signs were unmistakable and obvious. Good luck.

Doe's Bruciebaby Doe's Bumper


Follow my Ironman journeys and life with dogs, cats and busy kids: A long road

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