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Just Wondering How Many Greys Are On Aspirin Therapy

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I'm interested in finding out how many greys are on aspirin therapy after their strokes. Dr. Couto has Dylan on a 1/2 of 81mg aspirin a day and it seems to be doing a great job. His stroke was 3 months ago and he does not have any deficits what so ever. He was given a full aspirin within 3 hours of the initial stroke and then 1/2 every day since. Who else gives aspirin every day after their grey has had a stroke??

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Guest Energy11

Curfew was on that therapy after he had his first stroke/incident last Sept. We stopped when he was put on Pred for a while, but you know, I will be asking Dr. Karen when we see her on Wed., if he shouldn't be back on it. It makes sense!

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Diane, I didn't know Dr. Couto spoke in Michigan regarding aspirin therapy. Is there anywhere I can find the information he talked about?? I would love to read it and pass along to my vets here in MI. My vet in Illinois (we live both places) said he would never put a dog on aspirin therapy. I told him about Dr. Couto and the Wellness Clinic and he brushed me off. I'll never be back to him. My vet here in MI is extremely interested in it and has no problem with Dylan being on 40.5mg a day...

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