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Ripple's limp has come back and it's worse than ever. We had clear x-rays a few weeks ago and she was doing well with just taking a deramax. Now she's limping worse than ever. We've switched from Deramax to Rymadil and we've also added in Tramadol.


I'm hopeful that we can find out what's going on. She won't put any weight on the leg, has trouble going down the front steps and has a hard time getting up and down. It seems like the problem is something in the movement when she starts to move her leg forward... I don't know if it's the having to pick it up some or move it forward or the combo movement...


Please keep your fingers crossed for us, we need it!

Edited by JedsMom

Daisy & Eli, the crazy hounds, and Bella & Zoe, the curly kitties,
and Jed (10.30.98 - 11.28.08) & Ripple (3.25.99 - 8.20.09) together again at the bridge
with Cleo-Kitty (10.8.1988 - 7.26.2007) always in my heart.

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Please keep us posted on your pup, as you can see by all the threads, limping is a big issue, and any info is a help Good Luck poor pup:goodluck

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Oh dear. :( Limping like that is always worrisome. Sending prayers and light for Miss Ripple. :hope

Jeanne with Remington & Scooter the cat
....and Beloved Bridge Angels Sandee, Shari, Wells, Derby, Phoenix, Jerry Lee and Finnian.....
If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again.

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It was a really bad night last night. I spent it on the floor with Ripple. She was in tremendous pain. I could get her down to lay with me and then she'd be back up. She was panting to hard. If I tried to touch her, she'd cry. It was terrible. I finally got her down to stay around 4:30.


In the course of the week we've been waiting for this appointment today, she's gone from kind of limping, to unable to use the leg and in bad pain. If the doctor we see today finds this to be something that isn't fixable, she's in too much pain.


I'm so sorry that she's having to go through this.

Daisy & Eli, the crazy hounds, and Bella & Zoe, the curly kitties,
and Jed (10.30.98 - 11.28.08) & Ripple (3.25.99 - 8.20.09) together again at the bridge
with Cleo-Kitty (10.8.1988 - 7.26.2007) always in my heart.

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Guest 3greysinPA

:( i'm so sorry for Ripple and for you... :(


Sending healing white light and many prayers for Ripple from Eastern PA :hope:hope:hope:hope:hope:hope:hope


and hugs and strength to you :grouphug:grouphug

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I've put together a timeline of her history. I hope that will help the new doctor. I've seen him once before, last fall. He was the doctor who diagnosed Jed's osteo. Today is going to be a better visit. I am thinking positive! You can think positive and cry at the same time, right?


@ 8 weeks ago, Ripple ran & played in the yard with Daisy (puppy). Next day had lameness in leg ->gave her Deramax and limp cleared up after 3 days.


@6 weeks ago, Ripple let out in yard and ran for a couple of minutes - started limping again. Took her to see Dr. F the following day - she was limping in the morning, but by appointment that afternoon, no longer lame. Refilled deramax rx.


7/20 limping returned - x-rays taken


Deramax 75 mg/day controlled limping until @ 8/3. Slight limp returned. Added Tramadol for a couple of days and she felt better. Tramadol given sporadically - only every couple of days if we felt she needed it.


8/10 Limping returned full-time - made appointment with specialist.


8/18 (PM) pain appeared to increase. Tramadol given regularly.


8/19 (overnight) - 8/20 - -Very bad pain fast panting, crying. Tramadol increased. Unable to get comfortable. Up and down all night - finally began to rest btwn 4AM & 9AM. As of this morning, she will put no weight on leg at all. Cries if area (shoulder/leg) touched. Fast panting.


Not interested in breakfast, but got some down her. Has been eating well all week before today.


8/16 - Observation (Jon) - Left shoulder flexes more than right when walking.

8/16 - Observation (Diana) - Hesitates when picking up/moving bad leg forward.

Daisy & Eli, the crazy hounds, and Bella & Zoe, the curly kitties,
and Jed (10.30.98 - 11.28.08) & Ripple (3.25.99 - 8.20.09) together again at the bridge
with Cleo-Kitty (10.8.1988 - 7.26.2007) always in my heart.

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Guest Energy11

VERY good history! I am sure it will help the vet. Getting a good history is half the battle, whether in veterinary or human medicine. Good Luck and lots of hugs! D

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