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Guest wdlndgreasil

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Guest wdlndgreasil

So, after all the drama about Tara's ever expanding vet bills with boyfriend, I have decided to sign Evie up for insurance.


It was a toss up between PetPlan and Trupanion. Based on the ratings [www.petinsurancereview.com], PetPlan is #1 and Trupanion is #2 but I went with Trupanion.


Evie is 8yrs [will be 9yrs in October] and the premium doesn't go up each year with her age [PetPlan based on her age would've been almost $55/mo]. Gives a $20k lifetime coverage amount too. Seems like a fairly simple plan. Reasonable monthly amount of $43 and only a $250 deductible. Plus I got 60 days free with a coupon because I'm signed up with dogster.com


Years ago, when I had my first GH [i was originally signed up on GreyTalk as "kittn511" back in 2002 but my login lapsed since I hadn't used it in forever] - I signed up with VPI which was a disaster. They considered everything with him "preexisting" and denied the claims - um hi, how am I supposed to know all these things since I adopted him at 5yrs not 5mo! No wonder VPI has the lowest rating on petinsurancereview.com


What insurance does everyone else have???



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Guest myGreyHeart
:wubsite So glad to see this topic! I have an information brochure about Trupanion, and I've looked on other sites, but I'd like to know other what people have chosen for their Ghounds.
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Guest Jennifer4719

I have never heard of Trupanion, but I too had poor experiences with VPI. Everything was pre-existing and they would not pay for crap. I currently have PetFirst and it is so much better than VPI.

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Guest eaglflyt

I chose to enroll our Ady Bea with Embrace Pet Insurance, but Trupanion was my second choice. It was a close call. Every day I am thankful that Ady Bea is covered ... especially when I read the H & M section of Greytalk and pray for everyone's hounds suffering such severe illnesses. I hope you find comfort in your insurance coverage of Evie.

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Guest FullMetalFrank

So far we have not had any problems with VPI but I was able to supply them with vet records for my hounds going back aways so they can't arbitrarily call stuff "pre-existing"... But then we have never had any really big claims, so....



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Guest RocketDog

I have browsed a few pet insurance websites, but haven't made the plunge yet. Trupanion is on the top of my list if I do decide to go with it - for my two dogs it works out to about $80/month for full coverage and a $0 deductible. Not bad, but that still works out to over $1000/year just for the insurance, and we average out to about $500/year for both dogs' vetwork per year (we've been accident- and illness-free, thankfully) so I don't know if it would be worth it...

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The last time I looked at pet insurance - which was several years back, and I hope they have improved since then - they sounded to me more like discount plans rather than insurance. They provided discounts for vet visits and pet food. What I would like is something that is more like catastrophic medical insurance like people get, but for pets. For example, I can handle yearly checkups and food on my own, but would like some insurance to kick in and help pay for, for example if we discover that Capri has cancer or diabetes or something like that. Are the new plans more like that?

Sharon, Loki, Freyja, Capri (bridge angel and most beloved heart dog), Ajax (bridge angel) and Sweetie Pie (cat)

Visit Hound-Safe.com by Something Special Pet Supplies for muzzles and other dog safety products


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I have Petfirst for my three younger dogs and ASPCA for my two older. I haven't had to make a claim at all yet on ASPCA, but I've done a couple through Petfirst. First was Gia's tumor removal/biopsy, and it was great! Moved quick and easy, with no issues. I'm currently working on Butkus' brain tumor claim, and there have been a few hitches with providing the correct medical records, but I think that's been more of my fault, and their customer service is quick and helpful, and most impressive, when I call they know my case and remember Butkus' circumstances before I even give them my policy number. That kind of personal customer care really stands out to me.


Jetcitywoman, most of the policies I looked at, and both that I purchased, are just like human medical insurance. My dogs are covered for both accident and illness coverage. If they have an incident, I can go to whichever vet I prefer, and I simply fill out a claim form, mail it in, and wait for a reimbursement check. My Petfirst coverage covers a surprisingly large percentage (90%) of the bills (after a $50/incident deductible). The only issue I've run into is that I bought a plan with too-low maximum coverage...it would have been fine for things like broken legs, dog fights, etc., but I wasn't expecting to encounter $3,000 MRI/spinal tap bills....my own poor planning, I suppose. They do offer plans with higher maximums, but obviously they cost more per month.


ETA: The reason I chose Petfirst is because they offer family plans...a package deal/rates if you insure 2-3 pets on the same plan.

Edited by giadog
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Guest snakes

I had trouble when it came time to renew with VPI, claims took awhile but did get paid, i really didn't have any problems until renewal. I could see with an older dog you may run into a ton fo obstacles with their pre-existing conditions clauses.


I thought PetFirst would be a good option, so i had one signed up with them this year. During his covered time he got diagnosed with a seizure disorder and by requesting past records they decided it was preexisting, even though no diagnosis or anything was made prior. Now of course any issues except for one small skin tear, are classed as pre-exisiting as they all spin off of either possibly being connected to his seizures or his meds for the seizures. It is also a pain in the butt to remember the form every single time to get the vets signature to make a claim. I am not renewing with them.


I'm going back to the old savings account method.

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Guest wdlndgreasil

Yeah, it's a tough choice in deciding what to do. I know with Tara [see the thread here on pleural effusion] - boyfriend is almost $2k in so far and no cause determined yet.


I know over the years with Evie, during all her coursing and racing, she's dislocated several toes, had one amputated, currently has a bone spur, etc. and my bills for all those things combined have totaled easily over $5k. Easily!


I think I'd rather have the peace of mind knowing I only have to pay $250 deductible and get almost 90% reimbursement. With paws crossed, it will be like car insurance & I'll never actually have to use it.


You can read reviews on www.petinsurancereviews.com - that helped.

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I have VPI...but I've had it for 10 yrs now. They were like...the only ones back then.


With Pearl's health problems, I doubt anyone would take her now. 11 yrs old, chronic valvular disease, hypertension, glomerulonephritis, history of TIA...........


Onyx is almost 14. In good health, but old.


I think when those two are gone, I'm going to switch Opal over to another company.(I get multi-pet discounts right now) Heck, VPI put laceration on the pre-existing condition list for her!!!! Lacerations? They get stitched up, heal. All gone.







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Guest Energy11

I have looked up a few of these plans, and was going to go with one, but it seems ALL have exclusions for pre-existing conditions. Does anyone out there know of a plan that does NOT exclude pre-existing conditions/or where a "rider" can be paid for such?


Thanks a ton! D

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Guest trevdog

I signed up for Petfirst a few months ago. I did like the Trupanion, but thought it was a little pricey, plus Ossie is too old to be on it. We haven't had to use it yet, knock wood..

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Guest eaglflyt

I don't know of any that don't have re-existing condition clauses, but with Embrace, they do continue to cover conditions that last from one coverage year to the next at a maximum of so many dollars ... and many insurance companies don't do that. I weighed all options carefully, and for us, Embrace definitely came out ahead and has extremely high customer satisfaction ratings. We could customize our policy as we chose, which was great. There's no lifetime maximum coverage. There's an annual max. coverage amount that YOU can choose, and it restarts every renewal year ... so it would essentially be impossible to ever max out the insurance.




eta: Embrace also covers any genetic condition .... which most insurances do not.

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Guest Jennifer4719
Just got the good news that PetFirst IS going to cover Butkus' claim, and that they're paying out $1000 MORE than I thought the per-incident amount allowed! Really, with 5 dogs, pet insurance is one of the best things I ever did!


Great news!!

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Guest Energy11
Just got the good news that PetFirst IS going to cover Butkus' claim, and that they're paying out $1000 MORE than I thought the per-incident amount allowed! Really, with 5 dogs, pet insurance is one of the best things I ever did!

I have five as well, and no longer work for a vet, so I HAVE to do something! Thanks for all the info, and I WILL check out each one. :-)))

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I also went with Embrace. I chose them for several reasons but mainly because I wanted a policy that would cover a major problem, I am not interested in routine care coverage. I chose a policy that covers up to $10,000 i na year with a $500 deductible and a 20% co-pay, runs me about $150 a year for my 3yo non grey. After having to pay out over $7,000 in 2008 for my little dog's illness that culminated in her death, I realized I needed some coverage against a similar situation. Haven't had to put them to the test yet but from what I gather they usually come through :) anne

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Guest zoolaine

I have my 5 all on PetFirst and it has been really good so far - I have had tons of claims and never had any problems with them. I pay $139 a month for the 5 dogs - but each gets their own $220 a year in routine benefits, of which I will probably use $200. Soooooooo $139 a month comes to $1668 a year. Minus $1000 ($200 of routine benefits for each dog) comes to $668 a year or $55.67 a month, which works out to $11.13 per dog per month for accident and illness coverage. Well worth it to me.

Right now I am expecting a check for about $400 for their yearly exams, vaccinations, etc. And for example when I had to take Sunny to the e-vet after his kitty incident, the bill was $347 and I got reimbursed $267, pretty good I think. I really like that you only pay $50 plus 10% for each incident. and that it is based on what your vet charges - not a fee schedule

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