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New To Greytalk And New Dog Owner

Guest Dragonbear

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Guest Dragonbear

Im dragonmoms fiance and im new to the forum. i got a new dog thursday and hes a bit of a handful. hes a 1 1/2 year old husky/collie thats only known how to be an outside dog. can anyone help me on tips to train him to:

-stop peeing in the house

-calm down

-learn to listen


Hes starting to listen to his new name, but only inside the house. i just had him snipped yesterday and hes calmed down a little, but not by much.


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Husky/collie? I'd say the first thing to remember is he'll need a LOT of exercise. A tired dog is a calm and happy dog!


The walking with him will help you bond, also, you'll have plenty of opportunity to praise him for peeing/pooping outside and it'll give him plenty of time to eliminate outside so he doesn't have a chance to make a mistake indoors. Take him out as often as you can, for nice long walks. In addition, take him out ten/fifteen minutes after you see him drinking, and half an hour after food - even if it's just into the garden (yard). Praise him when he performs in the right place - I usually name the action so I can later tell them to 'go pee' just before I go to bed, and they know what it means.


Personally, I wouldn't worry too much about training right now. He'll need time to settle into his new surroundings before he can concentrate on too much, IMHO. Just keep him tired out, let him get to know you, touch him and talk to him. Find opportunities to praise him when he is being good - dogs thrive on approval. And in a couple of weeks you can start on simple commands.


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Good Luck....and congrats for taking in this guy.


Remember....after being neutered I have always been told that it takes about a month to see any behavorial changes. But lots of exercise for a dog like him is going to be needed like Judy said.


Maybe start carry a bag of treats with you to get him to focus on you as well.


Also for a dog with his energy I would consider training classes to do some work with a trainer that is familar with a higher energy dog.

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Guest Dragonbear

Thanks a bunch guys. i havent owned a dog for nearly 10 years and that was a fixed female. another thing, what is your take on belly bands? im thinking about just using it inside so he doesnt spray anything else, and taking it off when i take him outside. does this sound like a good idea?

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Guest houndstooth4

Yeah, that would be the idea of the belly band! I'd walk him and let him pee on every tree until there's nothing coming out! He'll learn it pretty quickly!

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Guest IrskasMom



Congrats on your new Companian . You just had him Neutered , well before he settles down there will be a lot of Water going

down the River . It will take Month , maybe Year for him to settle down . Huskies are quite Energetic and need a lot

of Excersice. The Heat is very hard on them so bring him in the cool , start Training him to go outside for Potty every two

Hours and then Increase the time.

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Guest cgl0909

As far as having him listen to you when you’re outside try calling his name and give him a treat when he comes. We used a 20 foot or so leash while we were working with Elton. That helps give you more control of the situation. Call his name and add a command (here, come, something short that he won’t get confused with other words), and gently pull him toward you with the leash. When he gets to you reward him with praise and a treat. Keep working on that and use less treats and more praise and play with him (you will not always have a treat). I think that the biggest key is always having good things happen when he comes to you. This also worked really well with Elton.


As for having him clam down and not pee in the house I agree with everyone else. Crate tanning worked really well for our border collie for using the bathroom. He never had an accident in the house, and he loves his crate! Take him out a lot, and gradually put him on a schedule.


Make him tired to calm him down, and keep his brain working (that keeps them from destroying the house). Our bc destroys stuffies and other cheap toys within minuets. We found a brand called Tuffies’s Pet Toys (www.mydogtoy.com). They have a scale (1-10 I think) as how tough the toy is (10 is toughest). We got one that is a 7 about a year and a half ago and it still is not tore up. The best part is that they are machine washable (they can get really dirty). Our bc loves his triangle toy.


Good luck with everything! Hope this helps!


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Congratulations on the new addition!


Wow sounds like an energy packed mix, :) Collies & Husky's are supposed to be intelligent breeds so hopefully that will help with the training. I saw some photo's of a collie x husky the other day, it had a husky body and typical border collie colouring, very cute :wub:

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