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I'm A Mommy!

Guest BoyzMom

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Guest krohe









Isn't he just the most beautiful boy you've ever seen?



Gable Sccop turned 5 in May and just retired last November from racing. He had quite a successful racing career. We became his forever mom & dad on Friday July 10.


This is one pup that knows the meaning of retirement. He certainly loves to nap!


I have two questions for all of you veterans:

We crate him at night and he just cries and cries and cries. He was crated at night in foster care, but there were other dogs. He is an 'only' here. I understand that his world has been turned upside down. And that he misses his track buddies and his foster buddies. Each night has been a bit better. Last night his longest non-crying stretch was about 2 hours. He has a radio. We put him in his crate for 20-30 minute doses during the day and praise him when he doesn't cry. Is there anything else we can do to help him?


Food - his foster says he was eating Nutro in the darker blue bag, and his adoption coordinator even brought us a bag. But, his poops over the past 2 days compared to the two after he first arrived are like night and day. I don't want to get too graphic, but we're talking firm tootsie roll versus almost soft-serve. Not the big-d, but certainly not firm.


Oh, I'm so sleep deprived, so forgive me if this makes no sense!






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Guest PhillyPups

:confetti WELCOME HOME SCOOP :confetti


He is stunning, I love the brindle boys :wub:


Is his crate in the bedroom with you? Do you feel the need to crate him? You could put him in the bedroom with you at night and babygate the door, or put his crate in with you.


His soft poo could be from nerves - his world is all new.


Good luck and I think Scoop is stunning :yay

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Guest GreytMuse

What a gorgeous brindle boy! :heart Welcome to GreyTalk!


We don't crate at night, either, we just close the bedroom door to keep our hooligans close by.

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Guest SkinnyLegDogLover

He is beautiful, I love the pic where he's looking out the door.

No advice...I failed Crating 101, and the poop could be newbie nerves, as said. Have fun with him! :)

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He IS beautiful! Congrats.


Loose poops are probably nerves. You can add a dollop of pumpkin-REAL canned pumpkin by Libbys- not sweeetened.


Can he sleep with you in your room with a baby gate up? I betcha that makes all the difference in the world!


Best of luck and WELCOME!



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest krohe

Thanks for all of the 'welcomes' and advice.


Right now Scoop's crate is in our guest room. He is really quite a well-behaved boy, and could easily sleep in our room at night, crate or no crate.


However, there are still times when he will need to be crated when I need to leave the house. At least until I know that he is 100% safe & secure.


I work from home, and my office is in the same guest room as his crate. Right now he is sleeping in the crate with the door open!


If we let him sleep in our room at night, and he gets the crate exposure still during the day while I work, do you think he will still be willing to go into it with no trauma / drama when I need to leave the house?


Sorry I'm rambling...it's the sleep deprivation :blink:



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Scoop is very handsome and looks right at home! "Scoop" is a great name, too. You'll find lots of Gable Dodge-descendent relatives on the board, my girl included. :)


Can you put the crate somewhere he can at least hear you/sense your near presence at night? Beth cried some the first few nights, but the crate was right adjoining my bedroom and I'd just tell her calmly to settle down, and she did. But I stopped crating her at night after a month or six weeks or so, and still crate her when I go out almost a year later (she has a tendency to chew stuff when left alone), and she's fine.

Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest Jennifer4719

Your new boy is handsome!!


I crate Xena at night, only because that has been the routine since she got here. The crate is in our bedroom. Otherwise, she has full run of the house when we leave the house. I think if you keep the same routine, whether it be no crate at night and only when you leave, then Scoop will be just fine.

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Guest Elwood

Although I have a crate for Holly, I never did crate her at all except for the first few after days I adopted her and only then If I had to go out.

I wasn't worried about her causing damage , But I was worried about my cat even though Holly had tested cat safe.

And now after almost 3 years Holly only uses her crate to store her "treasures" as she is a collector, or take a short snooze.

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

What a cutie pie! Congratulations on your new boy! :confetti I will say what everyone else has - either crate him with you in your bedroom or try not crating him at all. You can baby gate him in the same room as you if you don't want him wandering around your house. As for the diarreah - that's normal. He's in a new place and is just stressed out a bit or excited or both!


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Guest TurnerMiller01
Thanks for all of the 'welcomes' and advice.


Right now Scoop's crate is in our guest room. He is really quite a well-behaved boy, and could easily sleep in our room at night, crate or no crate.


However, there are still times when he will need to be crated when I need to leave the house. At least until I know that he is 100% safe & secure.


I work from home, and my office is in the same guest room as his crate. Right now he is sleeping in the crate with the door open!


If we let him sleep in our room at night, and he gets the crate exposure still during the day while I work, do you think he will still be willing to go into it with no trauma / drama when I need to leave the house?


Sorry I'm rambling...it's the sleep deprivation :blink:

Hi Karen!!

Welcome .. from PA.. :welcome2


yes.. my hounds go in their crate during the day while we are at work... and then at night they sleep along side the bed on one of the many dog beds on the floor...lol... and they are fine when i go to put them in the kennel in the morning... no trauma..

they go willingly in to the kennel and they are rewarded with a treat!! :cookie


BTW... Scoop is Gorgeous!!! :wub::wub::wub:

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Guest TheUnrulyHound

I crate only when I leave the house and even then only three of my five.... I would try either moving the crate to your bedroom or just letting him sleep on a dogbed in your room at night. Is he having accidents in the house while you are there? if not, I wouldn't worry about letting him sleep loose in your bedroom. If he is still marking here and there you can use a bellyband. If he sleeps in the crate with the door open while you are there he should continue to be ok being crated when you leave :) but every grey is so different.... you kinda have to play it by ear sometimes.


As for the soft serve poo I would just give him another day or so to settle in :) It should get better.


He is beautiful!!! and related to my sweet Cabby too ;)

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Guest houndstooth4

He is gorgeous! Congratulations!



I let mine sleep on dog beds in our bedroom and they are fine. We do crate some of ours at times during the day and they are fine with that. I'd try babygating him in the bedroom with you and see how it goes.


Stress and food change can both cause the big D. Give it a few days and see if it firms up some.


One more thing I noticed in the pictures is that you have his tag on the D-ring. That's really not safe. He can get it caught and hurt himself with it on like that. We had one lay on the carpet, the ring got hooked, dog freaked out and if we hadn't been home it could have been a very sad thing. The rings on the side are a much better place to put the tags. When I take ours out places in their fancy collars, I do sometimes use the D-rings, but when we get home, it goes back to the side. I just wouldn't want you to have something happen to your sweet boy. Lots of people here have learned that the hard or scary way.

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Guest snakes

Fosters i had that were crated in the livingrooma t night often screamed for the first few nights. One piece of advice i was given that worked better than any other was to place a blanket over the crate (they don't feel so alone in a big empty room this way). I always made sure that there was at least one open side near a wall for ventilation, but it worked wonders.

Of course i did have one that just hated the crate at night....

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Guest littlesyd85

Welcome to greytalk and to being a new grey owner!


We don't crate our girl at night... We close our bedroom door and she stays with us and our other dog (an Italian Greyhound). We only crate her when we leave the house... We tried to leave her baby gated in the guest room one so she could lay on the bed, but she chewed the entire window sill off! :jaw So she stays in her crate and her sister Sophia, our Italian Greyhound, has a crate right next to hers. It works out really well for us.


As far as the poop goes, I wouldn't be too worried right now. It is probably just nerves. Greyhounds tend to have soft stomachs when it comes to things like this.


Good luck and keep us posted!

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I've fostered a few dogs and my experience has been that if I crate - they cry all night and no one sleeps ... if I let them sleep in my room on a dog bed without the crate, we all have a good night's sleep. I usually put a piece of luggage (filled with clothes) across the doorway so the dog can't "wander around" but they usually don't. I can't use a baby gate because my own dog has a way of pushing it so it falls down. I'm a light sleeper so I will also hear if they start "wandering". The only issue is that when they think it's time to get up in the morning, they will get restless and then you should get up and let them out. What helps me with making sure they sleep until I'm ready to get up is setting the alarm -- they pick up quickly that we all get up when the alarm rings.

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Guest krohe
One more thing I noticed in the pictures is that you have his tag on the D-ring. That's really not safe. He can get it caught and hurt himself with it on like that. We had one lay on the carpet, the ring got hooked, dog freaked out and if we hadn't been home it could have been a very sad thing. The rings on the side are a much better place to put the tags. When I take ours out places in their fancy collars, I do sometimes use the D-rings, but when we get home, it goes back to the side. I just wouldn't want you to have something happen to your sweet boy. Lots of people here have learned that the hard or scary way.


WOW! Thanks for noticing that! I am such a newbie. :unsure:rolleyes:

That is his tag that came with him, along with the collar, and I never even questioned it's placement. As soon as DH gets home that tag is being moved to one of the side rings. And that is where his new ID tag will go as well. THANK YOU SO MUCH!



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