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Guest argolola

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Guest argolola

Rudy has been being treated for hookworms, so Lola's vet wanted to treat her too, as a precaution.


Poor Rudy has had big D in the house A LOT. Yesterday morning he was outside to do his business (while it was still dark) and stepped in poo. We didn't know it until he had run all through the house and bed and got poo everywhere. I don't want to put bleach on the carpet and I don't want to throw away every throw rug in the rooms with tile, but I don't want to get hookworms either.


Can humans get it from dogs and if so, how do we prevent it? Rudy has had it for at least 2 weeks. Thanks all.

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Guest Energy11

Yes, Hookworms CAN infect humans. I remember as a child, (we lived in Florid for a few years) My mother wouldn't let me outside without shoes, due to "getting hookworms..." Good Luck, it should all be fine.

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Guest argolola

Thanks! I understand about the soil, but I don't walk barefoot outside. What I am worried about is Rudy walking in his poo outside and walking on the carpet and smearing it. Also, I cleaned the carpet, but didn't want to use bleach, but I may have to.

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Guest FullMetalFrank

I wonder if borax will work for the carpet? (Boraxo, 20 Mule Team) I know it is sometimes used to kill fleas, and it says in Wendy's link that borates will kill the hookworms in soil. I think you sprinkle it on the carpet, work it in, leave it for awhile then vacuum... Hopefully someone will chime in, and give more details...

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

All in all, hookworms arent that bad if you get them. It sounds a bit disgusting, but really you just get red itchy skin, go to the doc, take some antibiotics and they are gone. Not really a life threatening kinda thing.

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Guest kydie

yep, people can get hook worm, and the above post is right, it is easy to clear, but I don't want them, I would wash everything, and I mean everything I could stick in the washer, i cover all 8 dog beds in my house with fitted sheets so I can remove them and wash them, never know what comes in on their feet and body, cleaning carpet is harder, and if he could have spread it in the rug, I would rent a steam cleaner and clean every rug in the house, just me here I am a germ-a-phobe

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Guest argolola
I wonder if a strong vinegar rinse after cleaning the carpet would do the trick? I always do that anyway.


Great idea. Thank you. When I had foot surgery, I had to soak in a vinegar solution.

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Ancylostoma caninum (one of several hookworms that affect dogs- but probably the most common) takes >48 hours to hatch from eggs. Colonization of the host occurs through skin- I don't *think* swallowed eggs will do it for A. caninum, but it will with other species. Anyway- hook eggs require lots of moisture to hatch. Unless you have something grievously wrong with your plumbing, it's unlikely you need to go bonkers over the cleanup.


Out here, unless they land on the lawn, stool isn't at much of a risk for affecting other dogs; it dries out too fast. Of course, on the lawn where there's sprinklers, anything goes.


ETA: Swallowing LARVAE can do it, too- but they still need to hatch and make it to L3 which for A. caninum is 5-8 days out. See above about fixing the plumbing. No problem.

Edited by ahicks51

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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