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My Dog's Auto Imune Skin Disease

Guest ryanh

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Guest ryanh

Ok, you are right. I miswrote. He has Cushinoid like symptoms which is exactly as Cushing's but my dog's is obviously induced symptoms from Pred. My vet actually is very schooled on this disease and wants him off the Pred, but the other meds have all been so pricey. I am going to check on the Imuran and the methotrexate. I think his concern is whether the other drugs will work. I think he is more afraid of a flareup that just worsens and is unable to get back under control. He is on an a.biotic and I forgot the name. It wasn't the typical doxycycline and those, it starts with an S. Little red tablets. It was one I was not used to. I hope that clears up his scabs and any infection. His white count was 22.3. That freaked me out.


Question: Do you have days (or did) that you could not use your arms and legs just out of the blue? Then fine the next day? That is a mystery to all of us even the vet at the moment. He didn't suspect any type of arthritis and I even mentioned it several times. My dog's legs are naturally going to give him trouble because of the shep in him, then adding the side effects of the steroids. Cyclosporin would be nice but it would ruin his kidneys. Do you have any idea on the price of the Imural a month? I do give him the 3V Caps with all the Omegas. His coat is just not like it used to be. It was beautiful. Now it is thin and dry and flakey. Still looks cute, but the shine is not there even with all the fish oil capsules. Thanks for your kind response and expertise! :)

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Thank you, I'm glad you clarified the Cushings. My little Misty battled Cushings and nothing you were posting sounded like Cushings.

And yes, the test for Cushings is an 8 hour test, ACTH Supression to dx and ACTH Stim to monitor


And I just want to wish you the best at getting to the bottom of what's going on

Edited by cbudshome


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest kydie

So sorry to hear about the diagnosis, I use milk thistle for my old girl every day, I have consulted a holistic vet for some aid in this aging old sweety, I too know how you feel when our pups are ill, and we can't do anything to help, but I can't imagine my life without a pack of dogs, I have lost a few in my time, and it never gets easy, just do the best you can for him, you know that old saying "it's not how long you live, but how you lived" it doesn't matter the condition of his coat, but is he comfortable, well fed, a nice place to sleep, lots of fresh water, a nice place to run, HANG ON!

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I know Bodie had very good results with Transfer Factor for his auto immune skin disorder. I have bought it from:


Better Herbs Pet Health


TF Canine Complete Formula -60 Servings

SKU: 28521


The TF Feline Complete, TF Canine Complete and TF Performance & Show formulas provide one-step nutrition for improved joint health and flexibility, more energy, healthier coats, stronger bones and superior immune strength.

These products have been formulated in cooperation with top veterinarians and breeders to ensure the best overall health for cats, dogs and horses. Experts agree that for many animals, 4Life's TF formulas provide your single best option for improving their nutritional status.


So, provide your animals with the best protection possible with health enhancing TF supplements-their health is in your hands!

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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Guest ryanh

Thanks again everyone for caring and advice. Anyone know a food that is good for the dog, but not super expensive. The IAMS food and those are all like 25 bucks for a moderate size bag. Problem is my dog is good size so eats a lot, plus the prednisone. I have a battle because I know he is hungry but I don't want him to gain too much wait. So I feel like I am torturing him by giving him the average amount of food a day. I can't make chicken breast everyday for him, but he has been eating like a king.


He will wait 3 days before he will eat dry food. It is so frustrating but until he is desperate he will not eat it. If I give him canned he has wet stool all over the place. It is gross. If I give him a dry food he won't like it unless it has chunks of meet or something. Problem is, the higher cost foods that are healthier he refuses to eat. I guess it is like going from Hamburgers and Pizza to salad. He hates it! I can't afford to buy it and just watch it waste. I also feel after all he goes through, he deserves to eat some food he likes even if it may not be the best thing. I don't think if he eats Purina with chunks instead of a 40 dollars bag of health food that it will make a difference in his life expectancy. However, I am no expert and maybe that is a really bad way to look at it. I know foods can cause allergies and some have the grains that are bad, but if he refuses to eat it? Plus, I am a teacher out of work for the summer and I am feeling overwhelmed with costs. I am really frustrated. My vet is great but it cost like 70 bucks for a month supply of his antibiotic. I didn't have time to order through Pet Meds or something because he needed it asap. I have tons of pred. and the 3V Omega Caps, but I couldn't believe the antibiotic cost.


Antibiotic is call Simplicef 100 MG....I am not fmailiar with this one if anyone has used it?

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Some foods cost more per pound, but have more calories/better quality nutrition, so may not be any more money in the long run.


Molly the Border Collie & Poquita the American-born Podenga

Bridge Babies: Daisy (Positive Delta) 8/7/2000 - 4/6/2115, Agnes--angel Sage's baby (Regall Rosario) 11/12/01 - 12/18/13, Lucky the mix (Found, w 10 puppies 8/96-Bridge 7/28/11, app. age 16) & CoCo (Cosmo Comet) 12/28/89-5/4/04

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Guest kydie

I have used Simplicef in the past, for a pup with IBD, I also agree with the better the food, the less you have to feed, I feed 4 on Taste of the Wild-Salmon,(this is not a cheap brand, but goes a long way) and do feed less than cheaper brands, I have a picky one in the pack, I take canned dog food, mix with hot water and pour it over the dry, and wait until it softens a little,I don't use a whole can, a small can will last 4 to 5 meals for him You can raw feed with cheaper cuts of chicken, than breast meat, if I give a 2 chicken quarters that is a meal

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Guest ryanh



Raw chicken you mean? Is that dangerous? I am starting to understand what you mean about more money but food last longer. My dog is 60 pounds but 10 of that is prednisone. I have a hard time knowing how much food is appropriate. The bags suggest, but how much would you suggest in cups for a dog like mine? I heard of a Buffalo brand food too? But it is very costly like 40 bucks a bag! I wish money was not an obstacle all the time. They should let me put my dog on my insurance :)

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Guest kydie

I understand your cost issues, and Blue Buffalo makes a good food too, I have used it, and no RAW chicken is not dangerous,I know we have been taught never, never to give raw meat, and never bones, I have used raw chicken, bones and all since my hound moved in, Please take the time to review a thread posted on raw feeding, I give for a meal and then give dry for another meal. I have a GSP (70lbs) 0f pure mussle, 2 to 2 1/2 cups of good quality food a day, now I,m not going to tell you he doesn't get treat through out the day, 'cause he does, Remember the higher the protein level in the food the better, holds them longer, thus the raw meat offers a great protein value Many foods are discussed here, but there are lots of brands on the market, it takes time to research them, and get the BEST for your pocket and the best for your dog, the lest amount of grains, especially CORN, the better, eggs are a good thing too, I give eggs, boiled add to dry with hot water treats are not always bought ones, a plop of peanut butter on a plate, or that egg mashed up on a plate, frozen fat free yogurt, a chunk of cheese, all protein, I give it mid day between feedings, mine love honey, so a big plop on a plate, although there is a co in Cal Sitten Pretty Natural Pet Bakery that makes very good treats, I have them sent to me here in Pa, when money is not tight.

Edited by kydie
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Guest LindsaySF
and no RAW chicken is not dangerous,I know we have been taught never, never to give raw meat, and never bones, I have used raw chicken, bones and all since my hound moved in,

I would not feed raw meat to a dog on immunosuppressive medication like prednisone. A dog with a healthy immune system can usually handle the bacterial load sometimes found in raw foods, but an immuno-compromised dog can not. I personally would not risk it.


Blue Buffalo makes some good foods, as does Evo. I think they are cheaper than Taste of the Wild. There is some sticker shock in the beginning, but you end up feeding less so it lasts longer.


Good luck.




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Guest ryanh

That makes sense on both of your parts. Raw chicken probably is fine, but with a suppressed immune system maybe not in my case. I guess if the chicken is fresh and clean for most dogs it would be safe. I saw a human eat it on Oprah. Anyhow, just to update you kind people on my doggie. His sores are not going away under in fur real well. He is on antibiotics for 2 more weeks. Even though my dog has a lot of symptoms of prednisone use, his liver was amazingly in decent shape other than one enzyme being elevated. I am a little curious that the vet kept him on 5 mg's every other day still. I think maybe he could have used a week or so of maybe bumping it back up a bit to get this flare up under control, but I am doing what he said. I am giving my dog Tramadol now. 50 MG's twice daily for pain. I think the aspirin was helping his aches and pains more. But not good with prednisone to give aspirin so that is not happening. My big concern though is that his backside hip and legs are real hurting him. He did this like 2 weeks ago where he wouldn't even move or get up. He just laid there like he was perfectly fine and happy, but refused to walk, and if he did to get water or food he looked like a 105 yr. old man. So, he snapped out of it overnight and was fine until about 2 days ago. Now he is doing that same thing again where he looks stiff and just wants to lay there. I paid 72 bucks for 32 antibiotic pills and 75 for the labs. I am so tapped out plus I am a teacher and not working in the summer. So money is so tight. Aspirin would have been nice because it is cheap and effective. I think he has arthritis symptoms and probably some other hip issues. Does anyone know what I can do to help him? He doesn't act like he is in pain unless he walks around. His kidney function was perfect. Is there maybe some other form of arthritis medication that is not so hard on the stomach lining and won't cause him to bleed out or soemthing...Thanks so much!!!

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Guest kydie

Hi, Have been watching to see how he is, Ask you vet about the use of MSM, it is found in a lot of glucosime products, and can be bought by it's slef, and it is cheap, about 7.00 for 100 tabs, through Omaha Vaccine co. I have used it with joint care products for years , about 800mgs. 2 times a day

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Guest LindsaySF
I am a little curious that the vet kept him on 5 mg's every other day still. I think maybe he could have used a week or so of maybe bumping it back up a bit to get this flare up under control, but I am doing what he said.

If the skin issues are due to an immune problem, and it is not under control yet, I agree that the pred dosage needs to be increased until it is.



My big concern though is that his backside hip and legs are real hurting him. He did this like 2 weeks ago where he wouldn't even move or get up. He just laid there like he was perfectly fine and happy, but refused to walk, and if he did to get water or food he looked like a 105 yr. old man.

Has the vet done any joint taps? His arthritis might be immune-mediated as well.


Check out Becky's story. She has immune-mediated polyarthritis (IMPA) and she had symptoms similar to what you describe.







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