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Peed While Sleeping?

Guest auforygirl

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Guest auforygirl

I woke up to my dog licking it was dark and I felt that the bed was wet... she has licked till saturation of my covers before so I just told her to lay flat and figured that was the end of it but several hours later she licked it again and now it was smelling... ewww she peed. My girl never goes in the house ever unless incredibly sick and I would have woken up to the sound of her peeing because well she is loud and a lot of it. Is it possible that she peed while she was asleep? Because she was laying in it which I thought was odd too. So I have to take my comforter and my bed cover to the laundromat tomorrow. But I am just worried about her at the moment, which was after a brief DID YOU PEE IN THE BED? till I considered how she would do this with me right there... Now she just turned 7 in may so could this just be I am getting old or maybe it is a UTI... So I call on the great opps greyt minds of greytalk to tell me if it would be overreacting to take her to the vet?


Do I have to go to the vet?


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Could be a UTI or spay incontinence. Urine sample to the vet could confirm or eliminate one of those possibilities.

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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Guest auforygirl

So she is definitely leaking pee... I stripped the bed and it looked like it didn't saturate the mattress but I put down some baking soda just to be safe put some sheets back on and hoped to get at least a couple of hours of sleep... I didn't... because it happened again... I know she didn't lick, squat or even move because I hadn't fallen asleep but a new wet spot appeared... and saturated be mattress so now I am just counting the hours till the vet opens and I can call them to get an appointment... I did some research online it looks like this can be caused by either a bladder infection or hormone deficiency. I personally am hoping for the bladder infection because that sounds simple and curable...


ETA: any pointers to clean a mattress would be helpful

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My Max had the same thing happen during the night. His bed was saturated. This guy would've broken down the door to get out if he had to go the bathroom. He didn't even know he'd peed his bed. I took a sample in right away. Sure enough it was a UTI.

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Guest greyt2love

My broodie Momma Sophia has spay incontinence and is on hormone therapy. One pill a week, not expensive, and is working for her. She was tested for UTI, which was negative.

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Guest KennelMom

Fingers crossed that it's nothing serious. :goodluck I long ago got a waterproof mattress cover....Echo pee'd on our bed ON PURPOSE right after we brought her home from the track. Lil brat :wife Anyhoo...My best suggestion is to get an enzymatic cleaner and saturate the pee area.

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Guest greytpets

This happened with my oldest Jester (9) and my vet put him on to Propalin syrup twice daily for urinary incontinence which has been very helpful. Sorry no advice on cleaning the mattress, what a pain! luckily Jester never made it that far, the doonas had enough to wash :)


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Guest LeanneSchatz

Hi! This happened to Sizzle a few weeks ago. She did it two nights in a row, once in our bed and once in hers. We took a urine sample in and it was negative for a UTI. The vet said to take her water away before bed and make sure she went out and did her business. Sure enough, she has been fine. She was getting into the habit of taking huge drink before bed and was probably not aware she was doing it. She's a hard sleeper. She's been fine since we have changed her routine! Good luck with her! :) :)

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

Spayed female dogs can get a bit of incontinence stemming from their spay surgery and whether something was snipped too close or nicked by accident. Now I have a male Greyhound with a problem leaking too. At 2 different times it was a UTI but the other times he just does it. Emmy leaks when she's very tired and sleeping. Anyway, I ramble on - what I give my "kids" is 1/2 tab of Proin which keeps them from leaking. You got to be careful of the dosage though. My vet said Spencer could have to whole tablets twice a day. That caused him to pant heavily and be stressed out. So now he gets 1/2 tab twice a day and is just fine on it. Ditto for Emmy.


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Guest Energy11

When Oakly peed in the house, it was a UTI. A BAD one, and it took three course of antiboitics to cure it. If you, yourself, have ever had one, you KNOW the feeling :-( UGH!!


I'd get a urine sample together, and have it checked out.


Good Luck! I am pretty sure it is a UTI. D

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have her checked for a UTI. Same thing happened with Rainey, peed all over the bed (had other smaller leaking accidents before that, we thought was from her licking). This was back 3 years ago. No UTI, was urinary incontinence. She takes 1 mg of DES every 5 days and not one drop after that!


good luck with your beautiful girlie! :)

Kim and Bruce - with Rick (Rick Roufus 6/30/16) and missing my sweet greyhound Angels Rainey (LG's Rainey 10/4/2000 - 3/8/2011), Anubis (RJ's Saint Nick 12/25/2001 - 9/12/12) and Zeke (Hey Who Whiz It 4/6/2009 - 7/20/2020) and Larry (PTL Laroach 2/24/2007 - 8/2/2020) -- and Chester (Lab) (8/31/1990 - 5/3/2005), Captain (Schipperke) (10/12/1992 - 6/13/2005) and Remy (GSP) (?/?/1998 - 1/6/2005) at the bridge
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -- Ernest Hemmingway

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Guest auforygirl

Ok so took her to the vet and it turned out to be a severe bladder infection (is that the same thing as a UTI?) they gave her an injection and 2 weeks worth of pills. I have got some disposable diapers in the interim they said she might leak tonight and for the next day or two. So she is sporting some shorts of mine to keep her from chewing it... So I had a carpet enzyme cleaner so I used that and then sprinkled like a box of baking soda on it after work and doing the laundry I finally vacuumed it up and it seems to smell ok... I bought some nature's miracle advanced just to make sure and I put some dryer sheets between the mattress pad and the mattress too... I am now completely tired so I am going to go to bed...

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Ok so took her to the vet and it turned out to be a severe bladder infection (is that the same thing as a UTI?) they gave her an injection and 2 weeks worth of pills. I have got some disposable diapers in the interim they said she might leak tonight and for the next day or two. So she is sporting some shorts of mine to keep her from chewing it... So I had a carpet enzyme cleaner so I used that and then sprinkled like a box of baking soda on it after work and doing the laundry I finally vacuumed it up and it seems to smell ok... I bought some nature's miracle advanced just to make sure and I put some dryer sheets between the mattress pad and the mattress too... I am now completely tired so I am going to go to bed...



Glad to hear it was just an infection. You'll be amazed how quickly she'll get better. BTW, a friend of mine told me that she uses plain white vinegar to blot up pee on the carpet. She has a puppy who has had several accidents. She said it works wonderful in cleaning the stain, as well as getting rid of any urine smell.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest auforygirl


We went to the vet for a recheck today and they think the bacterial infection is done but she has an elevated bilirubin count. So next week I have her dental scheduled so we can get a blood work done... if it comes back abnormal of course we can't do the dental but if it is normal then I don't have to pay for it and she is due for her dental anyways... There is a vet student (not the person that is actually treating her, he just did the initial information stuff) there that I don't think has ever touched a greyhound... "Her heart rate is pretty slow," I reply, "That is normal for greyhounds" So I have printed off the Medical section from the greyhound gang website that shows the differences in the blood values and will bring it next week.

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FYI. I always questioned my vet regarding bw and tests on my grey, stressing the fact that their levels are different than other breeds. This vet insisted that my grey's bilirubin was elevated as well. He also diagnosed him with renal failure and cancer. After seeing specialists, they determined the bilirubin was not elevated, he didn't have renal failure, and there was no cancer to be found. Needless to say, I dumped that vet.


Oh, and this all happened after losing my collie to cancer 6 months prior. I know for a fact, that he did indeed have cancer. The evidence was plain with him, so their was no reason to doubt my vets diagnosis with the grey, until another on-call vet actually questioned the cancer diagnosis.


Maybe a new vet is in order?

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