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Patially Torn Acl

Guest greyhoundgirl1

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Guest greyhoundgirl1

My 5 yr. old female grey recently began limping and then began holding up her back leg. I immediately took her to my vet. (Bone cancer is always the fear!) He manipulated the knee and then x-rayed it. A partially torn ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) was the diagnosis. She received a shot of cortisone and is on Metacam. Since it is not completely torn, he is trying to conservatively treat her by letting her only walk to the yard to relieve herself and no other activity for awhile.

I was wondering has anyone else been through this and how did their greys fare. I thought maybe there could be some type of suppliment that might help it along. Thanks for any advise.

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Guest Energy11

I have not had the torn ACL, but the torn pad. I used Trypzyme-V ointment on the pad, and covered with a toddler sock and bootie. I also used Keflex antibiotic 500 mg, twice a day for it. It healed GREYT!


Good Luck!

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Guest greytbookert

I have a friend whose lab had a partial ACL tear as you describe and the original course of action was the same as your vet... rest, rest, rest. Unfortunately, the lab did need the surgery because keeping a lab quiet is easier said than done :)

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

One of the fosters that I was going to receive had that issue. The treatment was a few shots, some acupuncture and REST. The dog was not allowed out of his crate except for 4 times a day to eliminate, and then it was on leash only. This lasted 6 months I think? Not exactly sure. I believe they can do surgery depending on the amount of damage.

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Flossie had a partial torn ACL and she healed fine. What we did was, 8 weeks crate rest, leash walk only to potty, no jumping on the furniture, no playing around in the house, no steps, no getting in and out of the van. I crated her when I was at work and let her out when I was home. After 8 weeks she could take walks again, but no running for another 4 weeks. It took 12 weeks altogether and felt like forever, but she has not had a problem since. I think she was around 5 yrs old and now she is 10 :) I do have both my dogs on supplements, Joint Health and Fresh Factors from Springtime Inc. Rest is the most important thing.

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I would look into having the surgery done before it progresses to a full tear. My mix Lucky had problems, but the vet said there was nothing he could do 'til there was a full tear. (This was five years ago.) We had to leash walk for 6-8 months after surgery (over the winter in Vermont). A couple of years later, the neighbors' granddog had a partial tear and had surgery right away and only had to be leash walked for 6-8 WEEKS.




Molly the Border Collie & Poquita the American-born Podenga

Bridge Babies: Daisy (Positive Delta) 8/7/2000 - 4/6/2115, Agnes--angel Sage's baby (Regall Rosario) 11/12/01 - 12/18/13, Lucky the mix (Found, w 10 puppies 8/96-Bridge 7/28/11, app. age 16) & CoCo (Cosmo Comet) 12/28/89-5/4/04

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