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Flea And Tick Products

Guest tumeria33

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Guest tumeria33

I just read an article that said that a lot of dogs were getting reactions to 'Spot On" flea and tick medications. The ticks are really bad here this year. After talking with several Greyhound owners, they all recommended Frontline Top Spot (and to stay away from Frontline Plus). So far, Isis hasn't had any reactions but we do notice that when we apply the medication to her shoulder area, that she seems uncomfortable. I keep thinking that it is burning her skin. (I wish they could talk!) Anyway, I am now wondering if we should continue using these products. The vet offered us a vaccine for lyme disease and we did have her vaccinated. Opinions? Suggestions? Thanks

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Guest lat41065

I have one that cannot use the spot on product as it does burn her skin. I use frontline plus alternated with advantix and have no fleas or ticks and no issues with the dogs. Using diatomaceous earth in the yard and even in the house will help with control overall as I use it in the yard adn have not seen one tick and very very few fleas even here in NOLA where its so hot and humid.



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Guest Cris_M

My first grey had the same reaction Isis is having to the Frontline.


It went away when I squeezed it out in a line down his vertebra. The heavy dose in one spot seemed to be the problem.


That stuff is so expensive that it is a shame to waste it if there is a way to make it work.

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Guest tumeria33

"i use frontline plus. Is there something I should know about this product?"


I was told that a lady who runs a rescue shelter for greyhounds used frontline plus on all her dogs and they all started drooling and foaming at the mouth. This was the entire kennel!!! I was also told by several people that grey's tend to have more reactions to "plus" and not "top spot". This article I read in the Wall Street Journal made me concerned. I don't like the idea of having toxic chemicals go into my girl's blood stream. At the same time, I want to protect her against fleas and ticks.


I just found a web site about Diatomaceous earth. I'm going to look into that. Thanks!!

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Guest hvacman250
omg..should i use advantax instead?

Believe about 1/4 of what you hear and 1/2 of what you see...LOL


Our group treats ALL greys with Frontline Plus, as do I with my 4. Last year we adopted out ~125 greys and not a one of them had a reaction to Frontline Plus. Have some greyhounds had reactions to it...sure. Do all...NO WAY.


On a side note, Rocket had Frontline Plus on Tuesday. Found 2 live fleas on him today :angryfire

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i been using the frontline plus..sometimes when lexie lays in the yard i see these black lil bugs on her feet. This may sound dumb but are those fleas?. should i get an added spray for her feet of some sorts? If so what kind?

Lexie is gone but not forgotten.💜

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Guest SandOSU98

No reactions here to Frontline Plus, but it did not work on Colby at all. I have had much better luck with Advantix (and yes the ticks are HORRIBLE here in Mass this year)!

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