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Sudden Appetite Surge

Guest Sula

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Hi All,


I have an almost two year old girl. She's a rescue but rescued at three months so she's a lucky one!


Anyway, she's maybe 65 pounds or so, not a huge girl, and not what I'd call a big time foodie. Until yesterday. This girl ate six cups of food. This morning she's at it again. I always give her what she wants as she's not one to overdo it.


Is this a growth spurt? Could something be wrong? Or does this just happen with the houndies every once in a while?





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She's fully grown if she's 2 years old, so no, it's not a growth spurt.


That's way too much food for a 65 pound female, IMHO. I have a 67 pound male. He gets two cups of food a day, and an ample supply of biscuits, as well as plenty of exercise.


I guess it kind of depends what you're feeding her, and what she DID yesterday.




Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Is it safe to assume nothing else has changed lately? You have not changed food, not started or stopped a medication, not added another pet or had visitors? A dramatic surge in appetite is definitely strange. Perhaps a change in ingredients in the food you feed that she suddenly finds appealing? Six cups is way too much food IMO. If you have always free fed her you could give it another day to see if it settles down but I certainly wouldn't let her continue to eat that much. My 60 lb female gets 3 cups/day plus training treats totaling about 1100-1200 kcal/day.


If your pups ravenous appetite continues I'd see the vet. There are health issues that can cause this.

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Thanks you guys. She normally eats about 4 cups of food a day with some meat and pumpkin combined. She looks great--not overweight or underweight and has been at this basic level for a while now. I realize six cups now, from what you are saying, is really insane so I'll monitor it. I took her running with me on Sunday (8 miles) and she didn't eat any more or less that day--and I always take her with me on my long Sunday run. Nothing else really I can think of. She does get usually one big romp a day--an hour long turn out or she runs with me--or both--so that may be why she always eats 4+ vs. say 2 cups. I checked and her food is about 450kcal per cup.


Anyway, thanks much for the feedback--I'm be keeping an eye on her and will take her to the vet if need be.

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