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Stroke Or Seizure?

Guest Maddison

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Guest Maddison

Stinkerbelle has been panting awfully hard for a couple of weeks, very nervous. Yesterday evening, it looked like half of her body was paralyzed and she was walking with her feet being picked up really high, like one of those show horses. We took her into the vet immediately, she was already coming out of it so the whole episode only lasted about 20 minutes total. She is fine now, no sign that anything was wrong at all. We put her on Colmicalm to help with her nerves. The bloodwork came back normal. She's 10, can dogs develop epilepsy at 10? I have this feeling it was a very mild stroke, that's what my gut is telling me.

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Guest ss556

The few times Alan had mild focal seizures, it didn't affect only one side, but I agree with MP that they should check the blood pressure.

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Guest Maddison

My hubby took her, he didn't say anything about the BP. Darn! Now I wish I had gone but I'd only just walked in the door from getting a cast put on my son's arm. I was in no way able to go to the vet, I was having a total meltdown myelf from my son's non-stop screaming in the car and doctor's offices for 5 hours while getting x-rays and a cast. Ugh, it was just such a horrible day!!!

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Blood pressure isn't a regular at most vets yet. In fact, my vets can't even take a BP. I have to go all the way to the cardiologists for Pearl's regular checkup.


Thing is........there seems to be a lot of hypertension in dogs. I don't know why it isn't checked just like with people.



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Guest IrskasMom



I am really sorry , you had such " nervwrecking " Day .Hopefully Things calm down for you and your Houndie .

Don't have any Advice since I am not familiar with Seizure or Stroke. Good Luck .

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Guest speedoketo

Take your dogs feet and bend them under (gently) so that the top of the foot is touching the ground. A normal dog will immediately place the foot properly with the pad back on the ground. If they don't there is something going on neurologically and may give you a hint of whats going on. Did she pick up all her feet really high or just on one side? You say she was paralyzed but also walking - what specifically do you mean when you say she looked paralyzed? Panting can be a sign of anxiety and/or pain. So sorry your dog and your son are having to see the doctor at the same time :(

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Guest Maddison

She was listing to the one side like that side wasn't working anymore. She could walk, it was a very crooked walk, she didn't loose the muscle control in her legs totally. She picked up her feet in a really high prance. It was definately pain she was experiencing, you could tell by how she increased in panting and the nervousness. It was just a quick onset and quickly went away. It was just so very odd. She must have known something was wrong by the increase in her panting. We thought it was just because our son was super-active lately.

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Guest team_weasel

I'm sure the vet would have mentioned it, but some symptoms of a stroke resemble that of Peripheral Vestibular Syndrome, which affects the inner ear. Or perhaps an inner ear infection. Though, I doubt she'd bounce back so quickly. To me it sounds like a stroke. We were looking after our friend's greyhound a few years ago when he had almost identical symptoms. He went back to normal within a day. IT turns out he had a stroke. He hasn't had one since and he had no side affects from it. :grouphug hugs to your girl and hope she's back to herself. And I hope your son recovers quickly from his break.

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I've had two dogs with vestibular issues and it sounds just like both of their first episodes. One of my dogs eventually went into seizures after his second vestibular incident and the other had one that he recovered from quickly and the second one took him almost 6 months to come back 95%. The first dog is at the bridge for unrelated issues and the second one is still with me and it's been at least 18 months since his last issue, might even be two years, no more issues and hopefully never any more.


A friends dog just did the same thing only much worse than either of mine, and it took her dog about a week and she was back about 80% and in the last 2 months she's about 90%. She was going to euthanize her dog and after about 30 hours she began recovering, it was kind of amazing to watch.



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Guest Maddison

So far, Stinkerbelle seems OK again. She is not panting heavy anymore. She is not eating her food right away like she used to. She will thumb her nose at it no matter how good it is and then come back a half hour later and eat most of it but not all. That's not like her, she usually does anything for food and acts like we never feed her! Otherwise, she snuggled in bed with me and Spencer for an hour last night and loved every minute of it. She isn't running up the stairs and back down again trying to figure out a good spot to lay down, she is staying in one spot for a lot longer now. It's either the Colmicalm working or the episode is starting to pass.

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She's 10, can dogs develop epilepsy at 10?



Not typically. Most hounds develope seizures between the ages of 3 - 5. If a 10 year old starts seizing I would consult with a neurologist because chances are there is something else going on.


Glad to see she's feeling better.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest Maddison

Today we had a follow-up visit for her tooth cleaning. So far, she has been back to almost normal, she won't eat like usual but, other than that, nothing has changed. She still eats, it's just not the fast you never feed me type of eating, it's more like grazing. The doctor looked in her eyes and said her pupils don't dialate properly which is common for a stroke. So, it looks like she had a small stroke. I'm not sure how to take that. On the one hand, she seems fine, on the other, what now? How long before another comes, if ever??

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Continued prayers for your baby. There's nothing worse than waiting to see what happens next. Lots of good healing thoughts coming your way.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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