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Greyhounds And Bed Bug Treatment

Guest jcdude70

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Guest jcdude70

Unfortunately, it appears I have a case of bed bugs and I need to get my bed and bedroom treated. My greyhound sleeps in the bed with me and I want to buy some disinfectant but I want to make sure I purchase a dog-safe-safe treatment. I know I've seen some brands advertised as dog-safe but does anyone know if that still applies to greyhounds. I assume so but I thought I might get some good suggestions. Thanks!

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Guest TexasGreytMom

I'm guessing we don't have bed bugs in our area (knock on wood) because I've never heard of them, but I'm curious to know what remedies are out there, just in case. What are the symptoms or signs of them? Thanks!

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Guest lynne893

I would contact your vet about this, to see if the chemicals you're going to use are safe.


Bedbugs don't affect certain areas-- they're notorious for being picked up in hotels (even fancy, 5-star places!) and getting carried on in luggage, etc. And unfortunately, notoriously difficult to get rid of.


Supposedly you can look at the creases and edges of your mattress to see if you can find little blood droppings (from them digesting blood from them biting you when you sleep). Just google it-- lots out there on it.


I'm hoping the OP can successfully get rid of them and that no one here ever has to deal with them!

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Guest luckydog

The only thing I've heard that will rid your house of bedbugs is high heat, not chemicals. If I were you, I'd get rid of the mattress and bedsprings.

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Oh, I feel for you.


And I would also get rid of that bed.


If you're SURE it's bedbugs, and not fleas...


Bedbugs are very hard to get rid of, and right now it seems like every furniture chain in the country is desparately trying to drum up business with sale prices on beds.


I'd be way too creeped out to sleep in it ever again myself!


If that's not do-able, I'd contact an exterminator. Bedbugs get WAY inside of things. It's not like getting rid of ants.


Good luck! They're really becoming much more common unfortunately.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest speedoketo

From what I've heard most bedbug treatments use really dangerous chemicals. Getting rid of the bed alone may not work, those suckers crawl down into every nook and cranny they can find - in the walls, on the floor, everywhere. Sorry to not be able to contribute any good news, maybe the exterminator can help you out.

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Guest kineticpoet

I had a friend who had this happen and he had to get a new bed... he since puts even his luggage in trash bags when he stays in hotels, as he thinks that is how they got in to his house last time.


I really hope you can find a safe method to get rid of them, even if you get rid of the bed any clothing, linnens, carpet and stuff in the room may have them hiding as well.


They use you as food, so... maybe get a new bed, and sleep on it in another room for a while? Starve them out??

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Guest stewartt

i would call a good pestiside company that stand behind thier work i work in a hotel and have seen where they can go and also the time frame it's not always the hotel it;s the people that bring them and is not pleasent this criters costs us down time of up to 90 days per room

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Unfortunately, it appears I have a case of bed bugs and I need to get my bed and bedroom treated. My greyhound sleeps in the bed with me and I want to buy some disinfectant but I want to make sure I purchase a dog-safe-safe treatment. I know I've seen some brands advertised as dog-safe but does anyone know if that still applies to greyhounds. I assume so but I thought I might get some good suggestions. Thanks!



Unfortunately you'll be better off going with treatments from a licensed company. A disinfectant won't work and any pesticide that you can buy & use probably won't either - they're resistant to a LOT of things! Ask the company what they're using and check with your vet (and maybe even email Dr. Cuoto at Ohio State!) to see what precautions you should take for your pup.


Sorry you have them - they are very hard to get rid of & it will likely take several treatments. Good luck!



I take a flashlight with me to hotels (ANY hotel) and do a check when I first get in the room - check mattress and box springs for any bugs or those black stains, check along the baseboards too. I really really don't want them in my house!


Also, people..... NEVER EVER buy used furniture anymore!!! A neighbor's renter (downstairs) brought in a mattress he'd bought from someone & infested the house with BBs... ick!

Edited by ozgirl2

Jeannine with Merlin, the crazed tabby cat and his sister, Jasmine, the brat-cat

With GTsiggieFromJenn.jpgAngel Cody(Roving Gemini), and Weenie the tortie waiting at the Bridge

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