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Fly Predators?

Guest Greensleeves

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Guest Greensleeves

I've never heard of this before, but their brochure just showed up in my mail:


http://www.spalding-labs.com/ (warning: there's a video with sound that plays automatically when the website loads)


Apparently it's an area-specific mix of tiny insects that feed on several species of immature flies (during the pupa stage). You sprinkle them around your property several times during the warm months. They claim they have no harmful side effects (?).


They're primarily recommending them for horses and other "manure producing" animals, but say that they're also effective in kennel environments.


We've mainly kept our fly problem in check by scooping every day, but even before we had dogs the local biting flies were a nuisance. It would be interesting to know if this really works (and is as safe) as they claim!

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I've used them for 4 years. I see a reduction in the fly population each year. I didn't buy enough the first year. They are sold by several different companies. I use Spalding. Their customer service is great. Call and talk about your needs. I use most of them in the large animal pens but do put some in the corners of the dog pen.

If you only need them for dogs you may just want to consider fly traps. I use Trap n Toss traps hanging on trees outside the dog pen.

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Integrated pest management (IPM) is a good way to knock back a number of pests; I've never worked with the ones specific to flies, so I can't speak intelligently to them other than to say- give it a whirl, but following the instructions to the letter is likely to be very important. Moreover, many of these guys do best when there are high numbers of pests to control.


We have these huge Chilean hybrid mesquite trees in the yard, and when spring comes, along with the flowers arrive huge numbers of flies. It's irritating as all get-out, but last year I got one of those add-water-and-wait flytraps. I was astounded at the mass of flies the thing caught.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest Shermanator

I cannot help myself. Sherman is the fly predator in my house. :)

Although I have noticed more flies in our backyard lately, and would love to get rid of them. They dive-bomb the dogs when they are laying outside, and it makes them nuts. We have the pest control guy come every month, I never knew there was something to help with all the flies. Thanks

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Guest jerrybird

Some of the horse breeding operations that have gone organic over the past years, are using this type of protection. Most are using 'fly wasps' but I don't know if this is the same product as 'fly predators'.

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Guest Kaquel

When I worked at Paragon Farm (upscale (horse) show barn), they used fly predators and SWORE by them. They really did work very well. Flies were still present but the numbers dropped drastically. Big thumbs up from me and almost everyone I know in the horse business!

Edited by Kaquel
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You have to start early enough in your fly season for the best results. They do nothing for flies already hatched. They burrow in the feces and eat the developing flies so fewer hatch. You need fly traps or other alternatives for the adult flies. These are the same thing as the fly wasps mentioned above.

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  • 2 years later...

We met a cop riding his horse on a wooded trail a couple weeks ago. It was a great opportunity for our Grey to meet his first horse (HUGE MALE). We asked this guy about biting flies and he said you can go to any tackle shop and get a spray that you can put on the animals. He uses it on his horses. But he also recommended Predators (via word of mouth not actual personal use of the product). We didn't get any though because he also said they will go away when it gets cooler out and we're nearly there...so next summer.

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