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What The Heck Is This?

Guest sorenkkg

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Guest sorenkkg



Haka's been really weird lately-- starting in December, he's had ear itching (looked like yeast, we cleard it up) and still itching... he's getting these crusty spots (it's crusty, you pick and some fur comes out, then it goes away), he's licking his "ankles", and now this?


is this a wart?


it's bumpy and red, pretty solid, though it feels like a really full blister-- that kind of "solid" you know?


is this from licking?


We do have a vet appt for a pre-dental blood test (and heartworm test) on the 18th... should I bring him in sooner?












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Yes, dogs get warts, but that does not appear to be a wart.


If you already have an appointment on the 18th, that should be sufficient. Could be lots of different things, and your vet may suggest removing it during the dental which would be a great way to go since the dog will already be under.




Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Hard to tell if it is or not.

Atlas is our "warty" dog. At any given time, he has at least 3 on him. If picked at, they do get red and inflamed but more often than not, they just look like a skin coloured bump with no fur on them.

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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Guest sorenkkg

Thanks for the replies-- I've been sort of freaking out... I called the vet and said, he's got this AND this AND this now, can we come in sooner (they're around the corner from me) and so we're going tomorrow at 1:30pm... I put some skin/fur from his crusty scabs in a bag (like that's a present you'd want) so I figure we can start sorting this out.


Good point about him being under for the dental, but that's only on the 27th... we were going to do the blood test on the 18th... so if this is something, I'd like them to at least have a blood test or something in the hopper sooner than later.


if he needs to be under, then we'll wait till the 27th.


any other attempts at "guess the big ugly red bump" are welcome! sigh...


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Guest SandOSU98

It may be a histiocytoma... as another poster said it's hard to tell from the photos but the vet should be able to confirm for you. If it is, it's benign. Colby's has just started going away after having it for a little over a month. Try not to freak out!

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Guest sorenkkg

I'm trying not to.


How does something that big (pea sized? like a big pea?) just show up all of a sudden? isn't that weird?


I know our dogs are weird, so I guess this counts?

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Guest RavenRacersMom
It may be a histiocytoma... as another poster said it's hard to tell from the photos but the vet should be able to confirm for you. If it is, it's benign. Colby's has just started going away after having it for a little over a month. Try not to freak out!



I was thinking the same thing. It took over 2 months for Bernie's to go away. Our vet thought it was a histiocytoma, took a sample (which came back ok) and the next thing you know...it is gone. Really weird.

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Guest sheila

If I were you I would stop freaking out. Dogs can and do get funky lumps on their skin every now and then and most of the time they are nothing. Even a funky lump that IS something will not kill your dog in a week. You have a vet appt next week and that will be a fine time to have it looked at.

I adopted a dog that had a lump that had been forming for 6 mos until it was the size of a jelly bean when I brought her home. I had it removed that week and while it WAS cancerous she never suffered any ill effects.

I found a funky red lump on Sammys armpit last month. I waited until her regular vet appt this week to have the vet take a look-see at it. Vet told me it was just a mole/skin tag and totally nothing to worry about.

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Guest 4baddogs

Zoe has one or two of those. She's had them checked a few times and each time it's been "nothing". I can't remember what they've been called.

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Guest sorenkkg

Hi All,


We had a good visit at the vet today-- I was worried about all these things going on together at the same time-- the vet really listened to me, checked Haka, and here's what's going to happen:



1) we're testing the crusty scabs-- she doesn't think it's ringworm (which is really a fungus and not a worm) but we want to be sure b/c that could be contagious, though Aleeya seems ok right now.


2) licking the wrists/ankles, a lot-- could be osteo arthritis, since that's common for these dogs in that location. They could xray, but since he doesn't seem inflamed that much, we're going to look into treating him right away.

I think she mentioned "carprofen" and maybe "adequan'-- she talked about giving him injections, first weekly, then monthly, then every 3 months or so... We're not going with a food supplement (sasha's blend is what they usually recommend) because of his sensitive stomach.


We'll discuss this again shortly (there was an emergency going on at the same time, so she was being called back to that) and probably go the route that she recommends.


It could be thyroid related however, so we're running a blood test for that-- joint pain/licking the joints is apparently a possible symptom, and greyhounds sometimes have thyroid issues.


3) the red bump-- she agreed that it could be papilloma or histiocytoma (I told her I looked both up already, thanks greytalk! ) and that they would both go away on their own after 2 months (I knew that too but I wanted a Dr. to see it anyway)-- no need to aggrevate by any tests.

I mentioned that he was getting a dental this month on the 27th, and she said "of course, we'll take it off then"... so nothing to really worry about, but if he's going to be asleep anyway, let's get it out of there and not have anything to worry about at all.


She drew blood for his pre-dental test and heartworm (it's his usual time of year to get the test), and we're going to test for thyroid issues. The crusty scab stuff was pulled out and is off for DNA testing (!).


We should have results back on all fronts early next week.


For now, I've been directed to "relax" and I am, b/c I just feel better knowing that we're not ignoring these things, that we're looking after him.


thank you everyone here for taking the time to give advice (relax was really key!) and I'll report back with answers as we get them.


Overall, btw, she said he looks great! :wub: and he was a champ during the whole thing.

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I'm trying not to.


How does something that big (pea sized? like a big pea?) just show up all of a sudden? isn't that weird?


I know our dogs are weird, so I guess this counts?


Happens ALL THE TIME. Wait until your dog gets OLD!


My poor old dog was COVERED with lumps, skin tags, warts, etc. He looked like a troll!


Many weird things on your dog are nothing--some are serious, but I don't think that one is. Let us know when you find out!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest sorenkkg

Thanks Susan :rolleyes:


btw, I got the names for the meds she recommended mixed up (sound alike) and it's Cartrophen she's suggesting for his wrists/ankles, not the other stuff...

sigh... wish I didn't have to learn this stuff, but I know it could be worse.

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