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Aggravated Iv Site

Guest adriahna

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Guest adriahna

Howdy, you all -


So, I'm at my wit's end with Brick, who licked his IV site (anaesthesia for dental - the spot is on his right foreleg) into an infection. How he did it initially, I don't know - literally, I had my back turned for about 2 minutes (his e-collar wasn't on, yet). I have a feeling he may have done some damage to it while at the vet's following the procedure, but regardless - the damage is done. He's now in the collar round-the-clock, but bumped the scab on something today - it's not actively bleeding, but raw as all get out. Although he's finishing his round of antibiotics, and I'm keeping the wound clean as I can, I worry about protecting it. The vet frowned on wrapping the site, as he feels it needs to breathe.


Any of you folks have advice on this? I've never dealt with a surface injury like this, so I'm trying my best to see it heal up normally. Thanks so much!

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It's happened here before, and it started because the tech shaved so close it looked raw.After I had a little chat with her, I wrapped it with a non stick gauze pad dry and vet wrap. I wouldn't use the collar and it took probably an extra 2 weeks to heal but it did and no more problems once I unwrapped.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest Winterwish

I'm sorry to hear Brick is having a problem Danielle. I'm curious how this started and if it actually began at the IV site while at the vet,and not due to Brick's licking it.

I mean,Brick's licking it may not have helped it,but it may not have caused it,may be in response to an infiltration or an introduction of an infection. I guess the end result is the same I suppose,either way tho'.

Thing is,once an IV is out it's out,like when bloods are drawn,soI don't know what he was licking at to that extent unless something was bothering him at the site.

I think a light covering on it is fine,maybe 2 layers of a gauze wrap,it'll let air get at it still. Plus it's a protective if it's infected. Handwashing is always good after taking care of it. Maybe I'm overstating it,but do want to mention those things.

Is it badly infected? are the antibiotics routine post dental,or have they specifically been givne for this infection?


Sending get well wishes to Brick! :dogcookie:getwell



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Guest adriahna

Thanks to you both.


Well, he was on a lighter dose antibiotic following the dental, but the current meds are for this infection. I have a feeling that the IV itself caused the initial reaction - his licking it aggravated it even further. I am considering a light gauze wrap - just to keep the scab in place, until the wound is healed. Meantime, I hate keeping Brick in a collar, but I think I'll have to do it. Even with the collar on, he's downright fixated on the wound, and I know he'd start licking it in an instant.


The infection was pretty bad (oozing pus - it was about an inch in diameter, around the site - this happened very quickly), but is now "drying up", and looking much better. The scab that got bumped was pretty thick, and clearly doing its job - the exposed flesh is bright red, and looking healthy, though not exactly comfortable. I feel so sorry for my sweet boy... just trying to help him out. He doesn't seem to be in any pain - no panting, resting well, eating - but I hate having him in that collar. I just worry that, even with the gauze and/or wrap, he'll try to bother it again. Sigh.


Your advice is most appreciative - thanks again! :wubsite


By the way, Mary - your signature is Wonderful. You're remembering, and honoring, your Dreamer in a beautiful way. :hugs

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Guest Winterwish

Yes,that sounded like a serious infection. Especially because once the IV is out,it's really not anything that should or really would become infected,unless an infection was introduced at the IV site to begin with.

The quickness of the infection,the size,an inch in diameter,oozing,that's pretty darn intense. You're doing a great job taking care of it Danielle and I'm so glad to hear it's scabbed over.

Keeping the healing vibes going for Brick!

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Guest adriahna

Thanks, Mary.


Yup - he's healing up bit by bit, thank heavens. I give him lots of ear scritches in the cone (he moans like a pup posessed, needless to say), and feel-good treats. From here on out, I'll do what you recommend, Sue - wrapping for a couple of days, after any kind of injection/anaesthesia. Poor kid - he's such a wonderful boy (aren't they all), and seeing him feeling blue is a drag. At least things are improving.

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Guest BleusysMom

Having been a veteran to this problem with the Bleu Dog..........and it lasting for 6 MONTHS........it would look completely healed, he would not bother it for a day or two.....THEN....back to being open & raw!!!!!


My vet finally got on an International Web Site for Vets and found the trick!!!!!!! This even saved some dogs lives....the ones that would have Lick Granulosis!!!!!!


ATROPINE EYE DROPS!!!!!!!!!! The tiny red topped white bottle!!!!!! Just rub 2-3 drops ON & Around the site......it can even be mixed with an antibiotic on the wound, if that is being used!! IT TASTES HORRIBLE!!!!!! I told my vet..."Naw, Bleu will LIKE the taste! So, she put some on the IV wound site, and to make her point, placed her finger with the remmants in his mouth on the gums............Bleu started to froth at the mouth, and spit, and anything else he could think of to get rid of the taste!!!!! (lasted a couple of minutes)


The beauty of it........the Bad Taste will hang around 2-3 days......so you don't need a collar or a bandage or a shirt on the wound, and don't need to watch him!!!!!


That one tiny bottle lasted a year or two.....and whenever I saw Bleu licking ANY spot, out would come that tiny bottle....Bleu would see the tiny bottle, lean back on his bedding, and KNOW that there would be NO MORE LICKING of that new BooBoo!!!!!!


ATROPINE EYE DROPS must be obtained from the vet....BUT IT WORKS!!!!!!!!


BUT IT WORKS!!!!!!!!

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Guest LindsaySF
but is now "drying up", and looking much better. The scab that got bumped was pretty thick, and clearly doing its job - the exposed flesh is bright red, and looking healthy, though not exactly comfortable.

It sounds like it is healing pretty well. It's ok if the scab came off, as long as it is not actively bleeding it should be fine. :)


Teagan had a wound 2 years ago and at the vet for a check up she ripped the scab off! :eek Teagan didn't even flinch. She wanted to see what the wound looked like underneath, and she said because it was dry and the scab was so elevated, it was ok to remove it. It healed fine soon after that.


I wouldn't wrap the leg in anything, even gauze. Your vet is right, it needs to air out.


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Guest adriahna

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you! I should have posted about this a couple of days ago - just reading your responses/personal experiences is putting my mind at ease. Glad to hear that my instincts are right, and that he's likely on the road to recovery. You guys are great.

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Guest Winterwish

To wrap or not to wrap,that is the question! ;)


The reason in this case it can be important to lightly cover it is while air is able to get thru',it prevents spread of infection thru' contact,esp. if this was case a staph infection. Often the recommendation is to cover it until the infection is healed,or even the wound is healed,tho' that is being conservative.


This would not be something I would say for wounds in general at all tho'.


It's for this particular case,and due to the rapidity of -which is a very important thing - ,and the description of this infection,including the extent of needing additional antibiotics,the possibility of it having been a staph infection is there.


If you do lightly cover it,it can be removed by dowsing it with normal saline or gentle soap and water.

When going out for a walk,sure I'd leave it all open.



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Something similar happened to Nikki. When I took her into the vet for it, he said that a little bit of the fluid must have leaked into the tissue when they removed the iv. The fluid caused tissue injury that began to slough. The leg originally started with what looked like a scrape and continued to get deeper. It took weeks of special high-sugar dressing changes and a debridment with sutures to fix it. I was grateful to my vet because he said it was their fault it happened so he didn't charge me a penny for the treatment.


My vote is to get your pup to the vet to make sure it's not a similar problem.

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